

Lin Lihong , Li Guojun( 2000), the development of Taiwan's Gaojia drama : Mr. Zhou Shuisong tribute album , Changhua : Changhua County Cultural Affairs Bureau .

Lin Lihong ( 2011 ) from the downtown to the dying - the decline of Taiwan's Gaojia drama inspired . March data to / from downtown to the dying - the decline of Taiwan's high drama inspired pdf.

People :Gaojia Rise and Fall of 300 years ( 2014,1 months )


 Quanzhou Community Huang Chengcong General , Mr Chan Ji teacher, teacher Liang Chan Kam Chu , DH all teachers , Xu Village and monitor and leaves red cow teacher. Shi Xing Quan Mama student president , Wang Jin enough teachers, teacher Fu Yuru , Li Kunming leader and support our parents and costarring in the back of Quanzhou communities : there Changhua County Cultural Affairs Bureau , Shenkang States .







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