Questionnaire Design

Dear customers:
We are the 2014 Tien Cheng Elementary School Cyberfair Project Team. We are doing research on “Chen Wei Chen--A-Zen Bakery” and want to know how you feel in purchasing products in the bakery. Please let us know how you feel about the products and services fo this bakery. Your opinions are most valued by us. Thank you for your feedback.

    Tien Cheng Elementary School Cyberfair Project Team

November 27, 2013

1. What do you prefer to buy in the Lukang A-Zen Bakery? (You can chick more than one option if you like.)------ □original/veggie meat baozi □steamed buns □golden cake □mung bean cake.

2. How do you learn of the Lukang A-Zen Bakery? (You can chick more than one option if you like.)------ □happen to pass by □recommendation from relatives and friends □newspapers □ news reports on TV □websites

3. How do you regard the price of the Lukang A-Zen Bakery? (Single option)------ □cheap □reasonable □a little overpriced □overpriced □no comment

4. Will marketing strategy (such as coupons, strategic alliance, and special discount for civil servants) make you more willing to buy the products in Lukang A-Zen Bakery? ------ □Definitely agree □Agree □No comment □Disagree □Totally disagree

5. Are you satisfied with the service by the Lukang A-Zen Bakery? ----- □Very satisfied □Satisfied □No comment □Unsatisfied □Extremely unsatisfied.

6. Are you satisfied with the sanitation of the Lukang A-Zen Bakery? ----- □Very satisfied □Satisfied □No comment □Unsatisfied □Extremely unsatisfied.

7. Will you make a priority of being “natural” and “fresh” when buying food? (Single option)------ □Definitely agree □Agree □No comment □Disagree □Totally disagree

Thank your for your time.

