Stories of the Forty-Four South Village

Stories of Si-Si Nan Cun


Chronicle of Si-Si Nan Cun

November, 1948 As the civil war between Kuomintang and Communist Party intensified, the 44th Arsenal of Combined Logistics Command which had originally moved to Qingdao City, Shandong, was moved to Taiwan in six batches and finally settled in Xinyi District of Taipei City wherein was former Japanese Army Depot during the Japanese occupation era. At first, the employees temporarily stayed in the Arsenal. Later on, 44 South villages were built for them as a makeshift near the Arsenal, and then 44 West Village and East Village were built one after another. The residents in 44 West Village were mostly officers and their family dependents, and 44th East Village and 44th South Village residents were mostly non-military technicians and mechanics. ( Click here for link to the 44th Arsenal migration schema according to the history orally told by Mr. Chen Jiaqi )
1950 Si-Si Arsenal Affiliated School was set up to keep Arsenal employees' children in school.
1954 Si-Si Food Market was set up for the convenience of the Arsenal employees.
1956 Si-Si Arsenal Affiliated School was renamed Xinyi Elementary School
1970 Si-Si Arsenal was moved to Sansia.
1983 Remodeled from Si-Si West Village, the Loyal Camel Public Housing was completed. Zhuangjing Road was established; 44 South Village ( South Village area A) was partly removed, and only area B and C of 44 South Village were remained.
1990 Si-Si Affiliated Kindergarten was demolished.
1993 Si-Si East Village households were moved to the Youth City, and East Village site was gradually converted into public housing.
1999 To tie in with the policy of remodeling military dependents' villages, all Si-Si South Village tenants vacated the premises.
January, 2001 Scholars Mr. Shi Kangdi, Mr. Ye Naiqi, and Mr. Yang Changzhen applied to Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government for City Monuments of Si-Si Nan Cun.
March, 2001 Si-Si Nan Cun was approved historic buildings, and four symmetrical buildings were retained.
October, 2003 Xinyi Public Assembly Hall and the Cultural Park of Military Dependents' Village were set up.


Schema of the divided three areas A, B, and C of the 44th South Village

Figure 2. Schema of the divided three areas A, B, and C of the 44th South Village

Source of picture : 1974,Centuries-old Maps of Taipei City



