• We are eager to digging up the treasure

    Collect data from the internet, read about Beitou Library information, include: how do you decide a development for Beitou library to be a green building library, what are the difficulties during the construction process? For us, it is an very rare course, we are eager to work on it, prepare to digging up the treasure, and regard those green environment heroes as master of Taiwan, master of design, master of architecture, master of local, master of protection.

request a demo

Green. Helper

Motive for Interview

Advance Preparation

First of all, we read some information about Beitou to learn more on the construction and design of Beitou Library, including a brief introduction of Beitou library, a book called “Architecture O2— Ideas and Stories Behind the Design of Green Architecture By Bioarchitecture Formasana”, a video called “Our Island-My Green Building” by Chinese Public Television, a DVD about “A Breathing Green Building”, and other information on the Internet.
2006-8-27/Da Ji Yuan
Taiwan’s first Green Building Library, the Regeneration of Taiwan Beitou

The Preparation Before Interview

Collect data from the internet, read about Beitou Library information, include: how do you decide a development for Beitou library to be a green building library, what are the difficulties during the construction process? The unique design of the building, how the architecture achieve nine indexes of green building, and the usage condition for common people, etc. Those are the topics that we have to concern about. To investigate this building that has been chosen as ”World’s most beautiful library”, incredible green team decided to use 「investigative interviewing technique」method, through face to face interview, hear those green environment heroes telling about the previous and present story of emerald in the green forest, the ups and downs of the process. For us, it is an very rare course, we are eager to work on it, prepare to digging up the treasure, and regard those green environment heroes as master of Taiwan, master of design, master of architecture, master of local, master of protection.

Our Dilemma

Because we have to go to school and couldn’t be able to invite by ourselves, so after the discussion with our teacher, we decided to send an E-mail, first to Tseng Shu-hsien, the Director General, Zhang Qing-hua, the Director of the Jiudian joint Architect, He Ming-jin, the Director of Architecture and Building Research Institute, Ministry of the Interior, Chen Qing-Li, the Director General of R.O.C. Green Building Council, Zhou Zhi-Hong, the Supervisor of Beitou library, Chen Qing-Sheng, the borough of Beitou Zhang An Li. We also send our research plan, then our instructor help us to contact them for the invitation.

Our Letter

Dear Director General Tseng,
    We are Taipei Fuhsing Private Primary School-Green Miracle. Presently, we are making a research on 『 The emerald in the forest-interview for Taipei Public Library Beitou branch』, we got an information from articles, media, and internet that Beitou library has been chosen as『World’s most beautiful library』, and it is promoted by Tseng Director General of the library, so we are hoping you to be our special guest.

On this interview, we can understand『her』 previous and present story and the ups and downs of the process. For us, it is an very rare course, and this research help us a lot. Thank you very much. Wishing you peace, joy and happiness!

Date of interview:2012/10/31 15:00

p.s.: we just can have the interview on Wednesday afternoon, because we are still a student from primary school, sorry for the inconvenient, if you be able that day, please contact us, it is our contact number: 02-27715859 Lin Shu-Hui, Thank You!

Instructor :Lin Shu-Hui 、Lu Shi-Cheng

Group members:Po-An Ma, Jer-An Shieh, Shu- Yun Chen, Howard Yang, Yun-Tung Huang,Chi-Han Wang

Contact Result


Accept Interview(Y/N)

Date (Y/M/D/T)

Tseng Shu-hsien, the Director General of National Central Library  


2012.10.31   15:00

Zhang Qing-hua, the Director of the Jiudian joint Architect


2012.10.31   17:00

Lee Wen-Ling, the well- experienced volunteer of Taipei Public Library Beitou branch


2012.11.04   11:00

Ho Ming-jin, the Director of Architecture and Building Research Institute,  Ministry of the Interior


2012.11.07   15:00

Chen Qing-Li, the Director General of R.O.C. Green Building Council


2012.11.07   16:30

Zhou Zhi-Hong, the Supervisor of the Taipei Public Library Beitou branch


2012.12.01   15:00

the borough of Beitou


2012.12.01   15:00

Lee Hung-Yuan, the Minister of Ministry of the Interior R.O.C.(Taiwan)


2013.02.01  09:00

The Preparation Before Interview

Luckily, after our instructor contacted those heroes, we got the respond. We are so excited and honored, we seize the opportunity. Our instructor reminded us to prepare all the things well before interview, focus on the important points, let the respondents know that we had prepare, show that we respect them.

question download

▲put heads together to prepare the interview’s question

Interview Training

The instructor told us some points that had to be noticed, include how to ask and listen, how to make a further question, interview manner, etc. We assigned the job and rehearsal it. To regard the interview guess, we made a handmade card.

▲outline plan preparation and interview manner training

Equipment for Preparation

”To do a good job, one must first sharpen one's tools.” The equipment are also an important part, we prepare the camera, video camera, and other things to collect a complete information.

Pictures/ Provided by Green Miracle

Lee Hung-Yuan/ the Minister of Ministry of the Interior R.O.C. (Taiwan)

Respondent:Mr. Lee Hung-Yuan, the Minister of Ministry of the Interior R.O.C. (Taiwan)

Purpose of visit:Green Building is one of the Ministry of the Interior's policy to promote” the construction of sustainable homes ", and also a kind of environmental protection, ecology, healthy new philosophy of life. Through this visit we expect to learn what is the policy direction of our “Green Building “will be .

Date: 2013/02/01 09:00
Place:Minister of the Interior office
Members:Po-An Ma, Shu Yun Chen, Howard Yang, Yun-Tung Huang, Chi-Han Wang
Note taker:Jer-An Shieh


1. We all know that it is very important to promote Green Building in this global warming, is there any issues with "Green Building" in your policy planning?

The main purpose of promoting Green Building is to lead construction industries design through the Green Building Rating system achieve carbon reduction, reduce the speed of global warming, and to ease the natural disasters brought by climate change. In order to make the effective of the expanding Green Building policy, Executive Yuan implement a "Green Building promotion program" in 2001, and authorize eco-city Green Building promotion program in 2008, the continuation of the result from the first stage, promoting the program is to list the “ecological communities” and “sustainable urban” as the second stage of the implementation of Green Building policy.
Since January 2005, through legalization, in building technical rules, the government set a "Green Building base mark certificate", the full implementation of greenery, base security water, energy reduction, reuse of rainwater, Green Building materials and other Green Building content, so that people have a sustainable environment and a healthy life.

2. Minister Lee, I had seen you once on television and said that "Policy can create business opportunities; the Ministry of the Interior can also make money." I'm curious that how does your unit become profitable? Can you make an example with Green Building?

A good policy can bring business opportunities, I mean, as long as the policy is correct and the public assist, when this policy keep on promoting, it will drive the development of the related industries, then people will have business opportunities to make money. Green Building industry, for example, when the government force to implement Green Building design, each architect firm may have an additional 1 to 2 building practitioners, and building materials manufacturers, agents, and others have to cooperate with the design of related materials and products, the Green Building industrial chain will be able to formed naturally.

3. What could Green Miracle do or what is the role for us on the promotion of Green Building?

For the education part of the "children" and "teenagers", we are planning to handle a Green Building and energy saving residence construction in 2013, according to my understanding, Green Miracle has collected many about Green Buildings information, also visit and apply for various related activities. You can provide a good advice for children, especially in their course materials and way to promote, hope that I can invite your group to participate in promoting Green Building and green campus for elementary and junior high school.

▲The Minister hoped that Green Miracle participate in the Green Building promotion, implement the promotion in Green Building and campus of the elementary and junior high school education.
▲Minister Lee Hung-Yuan encouraged us to study hard and exert its influence. (Map / the incredible green team 2013/02/01)


4. Common people do not have a strong concept about Green Building, how do you improve their concept? Is there any policy?   

To enhance Green Building concept, we will expand the local Green Building education, Green Building workshops will be handled continuously, and since 2010 we will select one of the best Green Building cases for educational demonstration, and accept applications for people to observe, exhibition, education and learning purposes, in order to reveal a Green Building policy results, through our live explain, enhance public’s concept in understanding of Green Building, that benefit from living healthy, water-saving, energy-saving and environment sustainable development.

5. We want to be a volunteer for "Green Building", currently we are promoting in schools and communities green promoting activity, please give us some valuable suggestions, thank you! 

I think the most important thing in promoting Green Building is to arouse people’s sense of identity, start from the school, adopt an interactive method to let the children understand about Green Building, expand the influence for parents, community, introduce and promote Green Building advocacy activities even handled by you to the community, so that more people can fully understand Green Building’s energy-saving, water-saving, money and the environment benefits, prompting them to choose or use the buildings that obtain Green Building certification, then you become the best promotion assistance for those Green Building in Taiwan, I expect that with your efforts, Green Building in Taiwan may be more prosperous. 

6. Presently, Ban Qiau Fujhou appropriate house is the first which is match to diamonds Green Building standard of appropriate house, Will the new building with Green Building trademark cost rise in the future? can we still afford it?

Most of people are generally considered that "Green Building" construction will cost higher than the general building, this is a misunderstanding concept. Green Building emphasis a simple design concept, to avoid abusing building materials resources, it has an appropriate architectural block window area of design techniques, in order to achieve the requirements of energy conservation of natural ventilation and lighting, it provide users with a healthy and comfortable living environment, rather than an increase in construction equipment, so "Green Building" will not cost higher than a common building, or even cheaper. People who buy a Green Building certified house, not only can make power saving, water saving, money saving , but also can effectively reduce carbon dioxide, the impact on the environment, and climate change.





Respondent: He Ming-Jin, the Director of Architecture and Building Research Institute, Ministry of the Interior

Purpose of visit: Architecture and Building Research Institute is a government units to promote eco, energy saving, waste reduction, healthy Green Building, we hope to understand the development of Green Building in Taiwan’s through this interview.

Date: 2012/11/07 15:30
Place: Architecture and Building Research Institute
Members: Instructor Lu Shi-Cheng, Po-An Ma, Shu-Yun Chen, Yun-Tung Huang, Chi-Han Wang, Jer-An Shieh
Note taker: Howard Yang


1. What is the Green Building advocate? (Jer-An)

The most important thing why Green Building is produced, is because the excessive use of energy, gas emissions that cause global warming, and climate change, so we have to implement energy saving, carbon, and waste reduction for comfortable, healthy and ecological environment to live, so it can be sustainable develop, this is what we are advocating.

2. If an office building and common house is built in a Green Building, will the Government reward them? (Howard Yang)

Currently, there is no reward, but if the public buildings more than fifty million provisions, it must be a Green Building. Private residence or office in Green Building, it will enhance the quality of life.

3.What is your favorite part of Green Building?(Chi-Han)

I like the ecology, energy conservation, waste reduction, healthy. There is a saying: "Buildings are all industrial’s locomotive" if buildings have a good environmental development, then the overall environment will be improved.

▲Director He told us the process of the Green Building promotion

4. How is the result of the promotion of smart Green Building in Architecture and Building Research Institute? (Po-An)

According to total statistics in the end of October, there are 3611 the candidate certificates, how much is the utility in it? They can save about 1.047 billion of electricity, 4671 million tons of water, which is 30 billion a year.

5. I visited Easy House before, I'm so impressed, is it open for public? (Shu-Yun)

Either Easy House, smart Green Building or ABRI can be visited, you just need to make an appointment.

6. Are there any plans in Architecture and Building Research Institute for the promotion of Green Building? (Yun-Tung)

The government planned medium-and long-term plan, the earliest is the ” promotion of Green Building program”, “eco-city Green Building”, and since 2010-2015, they promote “smart Green Building outreach program”. Previously, we evaluate only one, now becomes five items: basic, factory, residential, and the improvement of the old buildings, communities, it will be more wide-oriented.

7. What is need to be improved the most in Taiwan’s constructor? (Jer-An)

Taiwan's construction not only need more consideration on the geographical environment, but also need to control the social, urban development, and then add the smart Green Building elements on it.

8. We are currently promoting Green Building in schools and communities, please give us some valuable suggestions, thank you! (Howard)

First, recognize the Green Building certificate. Second, understand the benefits of Green Building. Third, save energy, reduce carbon waste, and recycle to implement a pursuit and sustainable environment development. Fourth, visit Green Building. Fifth, promote Green Building in multi-building design and construction units.

▲We politely stood up to ask Director He about Green Building issues

Pictures/ Provided by Green Miracle

Tseng Shu-Hsien, the Director General of National Central Library

Purpose of visit: 1998/5 – 2009/7 the Director General of National Central Library, Tseng establish a small group of the green library, they collect national and international information, visit local Green Building, recommend to focus on green, energy-saving, both natural, ecology, environmental educational design, planning designed by the Oregon expert and Taiwan’s Jiudian architects, the promoting process was full of respect for the views of local residents to resolve the conflict.

Date: 2012/10/31 15:00
Place: Zhongshan South Road No.20, Taipei (Director General of National Central Library Office )
Members: Instructor Lu Shi-Cheng, Po-An Ma, Shu-Yun Chen, Yun-Tung Huang, Chi-Han Wang, Jer-An Shieh, Howard Yang
Note Taker: Shu-Yun Chen


1. What is the origin of the Beitou Library construction? What is the motive to build it in a Green Building? (Je-En)

Beitou Library is located in Beitou Park, the old building is built in sea sand material, concerned the security of it, so it needs to be rebuilt; the original cement brick building, is not very match with the surrounding environment, expecting to build it with a wood material, like a tree house library.

2. Supervisor Zhou said: Director General Tseng wants the library to be built with wooden material, why is it? (Yun-Tung)

The construction of a wooden structure library is a great challenge! Taipei City Library is a common cultural center, and there isn’t a concept of Green Building in Taiwan. By chance, the expert from Oregon explained about the Green Building, so now we have the concept, and it must be special planned and designed.

3. Beitou Library is very beautiful building, but except the appearance, is there any touching story? (Chi-Han)

After the completion of the Beitou Library, local residence make Beitou Library as their home, introduced it to visiting friends and relatives; people living is combined with Beitou library, they protect and be a volunteer to guide foreign diplomatic guests, etc. .., whenever typhoon comes, the librarians are unable to sleep, afraid of the rain fall into the wood grill, and causing damage to the wooden houses. The floor is smooth and shiny, the reader's high heels causing destruction of the floor, after the architect trained the librarian, these traces, won’t damage the building structures.

▲Our interview, we start from clear voice of Po-An

4. Promotion for the Green Building is quite hard, and there must be a lot of resistance, how did you respect and resolve this promoting process when facing a resistance? (Po-En)

At the beginning, residents didn’t agree the rebuilt of sea sand building, through a lot of communication, the doubts is finally resolved. Green Building is high in cost, and there are some restrictions on the government's budget, we must let the manufacturers have a profit, then the construction has a quality protection. The government set that provisions shall not be less than the reserve price twenty percent, the internal furniture and architectural design are planned together, not to buy ready-made furniture, this is become a major feature of the Beitou library.

5. In the construction promoting process, what is the most frustrating things you feel the most? What is the most impressive thing? (Hou-Hua Yang)

I’m glad that there is no frustrating thing happen. When facing the public, we need to communicate and the quality control must be very persistent, so the library / architect / construction agency have a good cooperation.

6. Does Beitou library rebuilt in a different style, who do want to thank the most? Why? (Shu-Yun)

I’m Very thankful to the two architects - Qing-Hua Zhang and Guo Ying-chiu, they are not a businessman, but they have the concept and promote the Green Building in school education, a contribution to the building environment.

▲Director General Tseng heard clearly our question and answer it in detail

7. The librarian has no strong concept about Green Building, how did you train them?

We formed a working group in the library, book club, reading books, looking for books, looking for foreign cases, gradually understand through meetings / seminars and articles.

8. Beitou Library has been chosen as world's 25 most beautiful library, what do you think? (Je-En)

I’m very happy and honored! Last year I visited Paris Library in France and I think Beitou Library is still the best! The Beitou Library construction cost only ninety million, not only in the reuse of rainwater / use of solar has a great benefits, also the buildings of Taiwan's become famous in the world.

9. Three elements of library: library collections, librarians, premise, how many collections are there in the National Center Library? How many librarians? How to allocate work? (Yun-Tung)

Library divided into five categories - national libraries, university libraries, public libraries, special libraries, campus library. National Library collects all of publications permanent collection, the current collection is about 5.5 million, the official employees are about 160 people, and another 200-300 staffs.

▲We sent our handmade cards, thank you Director General Tseng curator accepted our access.

Pictures/ Provided by Green Miracle

Zhang Qing-hua, the Director of the Jiudian joint Architect

Resident: Zhang Qing-hua, the Director of the Jiudian joint Architect

Purpose of visit: Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch Library planning and design architect, also a member of the U.S. Green Building Council. Numerous award-winning architectural design works, including 2007,2010 Taiwan Architecture Prize and 2010 Hou Jin Dui Distinguished Honor Award for Green Building winner, and was awarded the first (2010) Outstanding Architects.

Date: 2012/10/31 17:00
Place: Jiudian joint Architect
Members: Instructor Lu Shi-Cheng, Po-An Ma, Shu-Yun Chen, Howard Yang, Chi-Han Wang, Jer-An Shieh
Note Taker: Yun-Tung Huang

1.When did you first know about Green Building?(Hou-Hua Yang)

"Green Building" is not a thing, but an attitude. "Green Building" is not a proper noun, but it has existed since a long time ago. If today we do not have electricity, when we back to the nature, it is still a Green Building. So when I was born I already knew this "Green Building", and because I'm an architect, I would like to build a very comfortable building. 

2. Why did you want to build Taiwan's first Green Building Library? Is there any special library in any others of Taiwan’s library?(Shu-Yun)  

To build a library in the park, residents who live nearby do not like the building. Therefore, we have to maintain the greening of the original park, to make the library becoming a part of the park, we built it in a Green Building. Some elementary school in Taiwan have a great library, for example, Namasia Village, but has been destroyed by Morakot Typhoon, it reconstructed with a wooden structure on stilts, also a Green Building.

3. What is your personal view on Beitou Library overall Green Building? In the design process, who are inspiring you?

In fact, the building is a part of the environment. We have to build a cool building in the summer, and warm in the winter, room facing west is hotter, facing north is cooler, these are some points that we have to considerate. The building would be better using healthy materials, and do not have to have a high cabinet, it seems like woods, and when you look at it, the eyes will be very comfortable. We want to create an environment that everyone likes. In the design process, we are inspired by the nature.

▲We sent handmade cards, thank you architect Zhang and architect Guo.

4. Which designs do you like the most in Beitou library? What is the difficulty in the design and planning? (Je-En)

I like the design of the balcony, because there are few libraries that we can be able to read outside. While reading a book, chat, and enjoy the scenery, breathe in the fresh air. Especially in autumn, it’s hard to find a space at outdoor reading area. I also like the roof, because we can climb on it, seems like we are very close to the nature.

5. Is there any influence on Green Building construction caused by local climate? Which climate is not suitable for Green Building?(Yun-Tung)

Green Building will adapt to the local climate itself, whether in Africa or anywhere else, such as Arctic igloo, different climate will be a different building. Green Building will adapt to the local climate and culture, so there is no climate that doesn’t suitable for Green Building.

6. What do you think about how Taiwan develop "Green Building"? What is the difference between domestic and foreign development? (Chi-Han)  

Taiwan decrees stipulates rainwater must be recycled, re-use of water resources, water can be penetrated down in a developed land, insulate the roof. Taiwanese people have set numerous decrees from long time ago, the point is how to perform it, we sometimes stop, but Green Building should be develop continuously. Foreign country has more understanding in those requirements, such as Germany, require that buildings how much electricity should be in one area, Taiwan has less clear norms in energy saving.

▲We took the writings of Qing-Hua Zhang architect – O2 building, she signature it for us

7. We want to be the seeds of the promotion of Green Building, can you provide us some valuable advices, thank you! (Hou-Hua Yang)

Start from the easiest, "energy-saving", such as water-saving, energy-saving, if we make the most of energy-saving, you do not have to build a lot. You can plant more trees to absorb the carbon dioxide, do not waste resources, and recycle the garbage. "Green Building" is related with the energy, you can promote this part.

8. In your book, " green architecture-Architecture O2" mentioned that Green Building is not the things that should be done in the future, but now. In the nine indicators of Green Building, what we can start first? (Shu-Yun)

Start from the "energy-saving". Greening environment, grow plants, we can also observe small animals, bird nests, woodchuck burrow, many biological build their own home are Green Building. Save energy, materials, such as the exchange of books, clothes, avoid waste, and this is the spirit of the "Green Building".

▲Coincidentally,we met another Beitou Branch Library architects, Kuo Ying-chiu, we also asked him to sign

Pictures/ Provided by Green Miracle

Chen Qing-Sheng, the borough of Beitou Zhang An Li

Respondent: Chen Qing-Sheng, the borough of Beitou Zhang An Li

Purpose of visit: Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch Library is located in Beitou District, Chang An Li, Mr.Chen often takes pictures, records, and he is a member of the community patrol team, also a night security. In promoting Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch Library as Green Building construction, Chen chief played an important role of communicator and coordinator, assisting municipal local views of different parties

Date: 2012/12/01 09:00
Place: Beitou Zhang An Li community center
Members: Chi-Han Wang, Jer-An Shieh, Howard Yang, Shu-Yun Chen
Note Taker: Shu-Yun Chen

1.What is the origin of Chang An Li Beitou Library? (Yun-Tung)

Beitou Library is located in Chang An Li, before it was built with sea sand material, the borough and residents hoped to reconstruct it, not to be a reinforced concrete, but can be combined with the surrounding environment. After the communication and coordination, finally the achievement becomes the world's most beautiful library.

2. What is the reason that makes Beitou Library has been chosen as the world's most beautiful library? What are you and your resident views? (Shu-Yun)

The Beitou Library is not only beautiful in apperiance, but also uses a lot of friendly building materials, plus greening rooftop and solar panel device, it is a Green Building, requires the nine indicators of Green Building, gains many national and international rewards. Residents and borough are very pleased and honored to hear the award-winning news.

▲Mr.Chen, introduced the origins of Beitou Branch Library first.

3. Does Beitou Library bring influence to the local citizens in the Chang An Li? (Je-En)

Because of the view around library is very beautiful, there are many tourists visiting, makes a lot of business opportunities for Beitou. Due to the tour buses that stop at the roadside before, caused traffic problems, now we have arrange tour buses stopping lot, so it’s less influenced. The surrounding place will be dark at night, borough and security team will patrol every night, afraid someone damages the environment.

4. What influence that Beitou Library activities bring for the community? (Hou-Hua Yang)

Most are static activities that are held, such as cultural activities or family activities. Because of the limited places, sometimes residents may not be able to sign up. The activities bring positive influence to the community.

▲Mr.Chen told us the promotion process before.

5. What kind of activity that you have collaborated with Beitou Library? (Shu-Yun)

I have co-Beitou Elementary Orchestra performances there, because the library environment is quite good, I hope there will be no dogs defecate, so we have to remind the resident to always clean it. All of our dogs have a certificate, name them environmentally friendly dog. At night we will have some volunteers to clean up defecate.

6.What do you hope to cooperate with Beitou Library in the future? (Yun-Tung)

We have been a long-term cooperation, including no parking lot around library, then we will make a plan to do it. Next year will be a century for Beitou park, we hope to promote the library once more time, and we will organize a series of activities and make funds to have a beautiful pedestrian walk. In the future, Beitou cable car will be built next to the library, only separated by a wall, but it may affect the reader reading, we expect to move it to the Seven Star Park side, because it is wider enough. The Director and borough both hope to maintain a beautiful environment around the Beitou Library.

▲Mr.Chen shared Beitou Branch Library ground-breaking construction photos.


Interviewing Ba-tou Li-jen Association, Beitou district, Prof. Chen Hui -Ci

Purpose: Ba-tou Li-jen Association has hold a lot of activities in Beitou, such as Beitou Art Carnival, dramas presented by Witch Ensemble, etc, which successfully build up the consensus and development of local communities. Through interview, we would like to learn more about the interaction between the library and the community association? We would also like to figure out a way for the library and the community association to cooperate with each other.

Date: 11:30 pm Saturday, Jan. 12, 2012

Location: Beitou Hot Spring Museum

Introduction: written by Shu-yun


1. Q: When was Ba-tou Li-jen Association established? What is you purpose for having this association? How can people join the association? (by Je-an)

A: Our purpose hides in our name. “Ba-tou” is the transliteration of “Pataauw”, namely “witch” in Min dialect. “Li-jen” is the concept taken from The Analects of Confucious, saying that people should choose to live in a place filled with kindness and generosity. Therefore, our association hopes that we can unite the communities and make Beitou a wonderful living environment full of happiness and peace. We also hope peole living in Beitou can learn to care about and cherish the land they live on as well as people around them like family and neighbors.

Established: Sep. 24, 1995

Objective: (1) promote community relationships (2) take care of community ethic (3) encourage community service

2. Q: How is Ba-tou Li-jen Association related to Beitou branch library?

A: We don’t have many interactions with the library because we did not participate in its constructing work. As far as I know, it was a fixer upper once and because it was managed by Ministry of Education, we did not have the chance to speak or suggest on this issue. I think you can interview the head of Chang-an district. He is the major contributor of the green library. The only interaction we had, if I recall correctly, was that during the construction, the library was temporarily moved to Beitou elementary school, and they held a talk there for people to understand more about the history and culture of Beitou. In addition to that, there were also some activities like community carnival (we had some cooperation at that time), and the government once wanted to build the cable car beside the green library. The library was opposed to that decision so they turned to us and voiced through us. And the only activity held by both the green library in the community probably is the study group.

3. Q: Why do you think Beitou branch could be selected as one of the top 25 beautiful library? Does that cause any impact on Beitou? What do you and other members of the association think? (by Shu-yun)

A: I think for people living in Beitou, it is definitely an honor to have such a world-recognized green building library. However, it is sometimes quite disturbing for those who really wan to read in the library because too many tourists and readers keep swarming into Beitou of its fame in such a short period of time. I do hope the library and those who are in charge can keep an eye on this situation, or it will be a shame to win the title but lose the trust and favor of people.

4. Q: What kind of cooperation so you expect between the association and the library? (by Hao-hwa)

A: As far as I’m concerned, I hope we can hold a variety of activities together. For example, how can we encourage more people to read? Basically I will bring out three aspects for possible cooperation in the future:

(1) By holding camps or festivals or other kinds of activities, the library can be more active and dynamic.

(2) By holding community concerts or inviting some performance groups, we can together promote more styles of art in the community. For example, the annual Beitou Art Carnival has already become part of the life of the local people.

(3) Promote emotion education in the community elementary schools. By having the consensus that we become a VIP in kids’ life, we plan to train parents as volunteers and send them to teach in the classrooms. Our course can helps prepare kids to become teenagers, and four programs are included: (i) reason and emotion education (ii) interpersonal communication training (iii) self-exploration (iv) problem-solving skills. The course is highly recognized in the community, so I hope we can cooperate with Beitou branch library to promote the course.

▲We interviewed the founder of Ba-tou Li-jen Associaiton: Prof. Chen Ci-Hui
(Picture/ Provided by Green Miracle)


Zhou Zhi-Hong, the Supervisor of Beitou Library

Respondent: Zhou Zhi-Hong, the Supervisor of Beitou library

Purpose of visit: Understanding the operation of the Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch Library, is there any impact of the library when it has been chosen as one of the world's 25 most beautiful Public Library?

Date: 2012/12/01 11:00
Place: Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch Library Supervisor Office
Members: Jer-An Shieh, Howard Yang, Shu-Yun Chen, Yun-Tung Huang
Note Taker: Yun-Tung Huang


1. What is the origin construction of the Beitou Library? What motives that it is built in a Green Building? (Chi-Han)

Beitou Library was established in 1960, in 1974, it was placed under the Taipei Public Library, the first converted is in 1985, the completion of the first converted is in April 1987, it was a two-floor cement building, until September 2000, it is detected that the building used sea sand material, and it was rebuilt until the complication in November 2006. Beitou Library is located in the woods, inside Beitou Park ecological environment. To accomplish eco-environmental conservation, the second goal is to rebuild it in a Green Building.

2. The last research in Beitou Branch Library, Zhou Supervisor mentioned: during the promotion of Beitou Library, Tseng Director General persists to use a wodden material. (Yun-Tung)

This is the origin design strategy, there are some key points, the first one is: Create a whole invisible greening of the building structure, continuation of the vitality of the Beitou Park, the other side is to promote the low-energy wooden architecture, extending the park to be able to enter the library within the center of the reading area, extending the park to the library, creating a virtual space of the woods reading space. There is also another purpose of the library, through environmental book interpretation and education, you can feel like the library is like an introductory Beitou District environmental book.

3. Beitou Library is very beautiful building, but except the appearance, is there any touching story? (Bo-En)

Beitou Branch Library is located in Beitou Park, so the origin goal is to save the earth energy, could be used as a Green Learning Center, too. Otherwise, we also want to show the historical relics combined with it, example, we make a related link next to the Hot Springs Museum, Beitou has geothermal hot springs, it seems like Beitou Branch Library is like a green springs that endless supply, so that the reader can have this kind of feeling.

4.Can you please tell us about the historical story of the Beitou Library? (Shu-Yun)

Beitou branch libraries were originally part of the the Yangmingshan Administration, later placed under the Taipei Public Library, it was reconstructed, and took five years to obtain the funding, that was the establishment of the branch libraries now. Entire speaking, Beitou Branch Library can be divided into three periods.

▲Due to several times visiting the Beitou Library, we are thankful to Zhou Supervisor

5. Beitou Library has been chosen as the world's 25 most beautiful library, what do you think? (Hou-Hua Yang)

We really honored and proud with it, this is all the result of efforts, including architects, librarians, each person who invested in the process, everyone can share the glory. I hope that sustainable business for Beitou Branch Library exist continuously, make a green shade images, it is important to let the reader has the same feeling,

6. Beitou Library will face a large number of tourists, what is the impact and influence on the library? What will you do? (Je-En)

Some part of the tourists of Beitou Branch Library is also a burden, since basically this is a library, because it is near tourist area, so we hope that everyone considers few things, when visiting, stand on empathy, knowing that this is a library, observe the reading rules, do not bring dirty, speak in low voice, don’t bring food and garbage inside. Each of our colleagues are repeatedly reminded, but there is still not entirely, so now we are thinking about how to make the reader undisturbed while tourists visiting. First, if it’s in group, you must reserve upon registration, we provide navigation through video presentations and the actual visit, so that interested people can fully understand. Second, from now on to the end of December, we try to site visitors visiting time on Friday,third, we design a navigation route to be followed by the visitors, reducing the impact of the readers. Again, the whole park has audio guide that can be listened on cell phone, reduce the sound pollution.

7. In the last Visit, Director General Tseng said: during the promotion of the construction, there are many opposition voices, after the establishment of the Beitou Library, how is to promote friendly relations with local residents? What activities did you organize ? (Shu-Yun)

Originally, a library combined to keep the community agree or disagree with the sound of construction, of course, we will listen to the views of the residents of the community, we will adopt feasible, the process will be announced, it is important to let the residents know that it is a national resource. We are not just providing a place, resources, collection, but also organize some activities according the community, to take care of them on demand, also we will combine with community, this community very in particular, we can feel the Beitou residents is very concerned about the environment, many local writers and historians will cooperate with us for some local navigation, and the introduction of artifacts, it will increase the depth and width of our activities.

8. Apart from diamonds and Green Building, it also received a lot of domestic and foreign institutions, the affirmation of the media, what do you think about the local residents? (Chi-Han)

We can feel that our residents are as the same honored as us , they are very concerned about the library, Beitou area has a world-class library makes the residents very happy.

▲Supervisor Zhou paid attention to our question

9. Our school library teacher once told us that library has three elements: collections, librarians, premises, How many books are there in Beitou library? How many librarians? How to allocate the work? (Bo-En)

Beitou Branch Library is a small medium-sized libraries, collections are currently 64,000, 7 employees, and threre are 3 staffs, total of the librarians are 10,divided in two shifts of work, including, administrative operations, cleaning maintenance of the premises, the librarians are very busy, but each of them are happy to work in here.

10. How to apply to become a library volunteers, does it have training opportunities?(Hou-Hua Yang)

The library of course welcome volunteers, volunteers are divided by age, below high school serves public services, it’s common for children to volunteer through library. Through the application program, endorsed, time permits, then you can try to volunteers, It will turns to be your job after you growing up if you like.

11. Are there any differences collections between the the Beitou Library and other branch libraries? (Yun-Tung)

In fact, each of the library collection is all about the same, there is just a one theme in general library, but Beitou library has two themes, one is Green Building, another one is conservation, so the first and second floor has a different theme.


Respondent: Lee Wen-Ling, the well- experienced volunteer of Taipei Public Library Beitou branch

Respondent: Lee Wen-Ling, the well- experienced volunteer of Taipei Public Library Beitou branch

Purpose to visit: Teacher Lee comes from Beitou, we would like to know since Beitou has been chosen as the world's 25 most beautiful Public Library, how does she feel, at the same time, learn how to do the tour guide volunteer work and attitudes.

Date:2012/11/04 11:00
Place: Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch Library Meeting room
Members: Jer-An Shieh, Howard Yang, Shu-Yun Chen, Yun-Tung Huan, Chi-Han Wang, Po-An Ma
Note Taker: Jer-An Shieh


1. What is teacher Lee background? What did get you to Beitou Library to serve as guide and volunteers teacher?

Before I was retired, I was a high school English teacher in Taipei. I hope to be able to serve the community after the retirement, so I decided to become volunteers. I choose to serve as a volunteer interpreter in Beitou Library for two reasons: first, I am interested in architecture. Second, I live in Beitou District, I have a deep feeling with the first-generation and second-generation of Beitou Library, the third generation attracted me, that I want to work at here.

2. Green Building is a very specialized field, teacher Lee do you also spend some times to have some professional training courses?

I will be on the arranged courses of the Green Building Council lecturer for training every year, and I will participate the activity held by Association to know other Green Building. In addition, I also often read about Green Building books and articles in Chinese and English to increase professional knowledge.

3. Teacher Lee comes from Beitou, can tell us about the history and development of Beitou Library?

Now Beitou Library site, since September 1960 (first generation) is a Japanese-style bungalows, many years later because of the old space and small space , in June 1984 the government started to plan the reconstruction, and finished in April 1987,because it contained the sea sand for construction, the building had a serious leaks, closed in September 2000 . Planning a construction of the Green Library in 2001, started the construction in June 2005, and established in November 2006.

▲Teacher Lee and us, photo taken in front of the Beitou library

4. The Beitou Library has been chosen as the world's most beautiful 25 libraries,is there anything that affect the library?

In the end of April 2012 the number of the visitors increased a lot, especially the number will up to 3,000 people on the week end. So many people moving around, affect the readers in the library.

5. We also want to promote Green Building activities in the school, and be a tour guides. What do we have to prepare?

The secret is to read more ask more practice more. Beitou Library Green Building stacks many treasures, waiting for you to dig it. For guide, first you must ready with sufficient information, memorize it. Practice it in front of your parents and ask them whether you have any improvements or not. Practice makes perfect!

6. Teacher Lee, do you have any words to advocate for the reader?

I want to say that I hope the readers or visitors can observe the library’s rule, respect others as you respect yourself, and I hope that you can bring the "green" concept to your own living environment.

▲Teacher Lee shared the past of Beitou Branch Library.

Pictures/ Provided by Green Miracle