
Participants Project Items Percentage Photos

1. Deciding project topic
2. Data collection and organization
3. Conducting interviews
4. Designing Site Map
5. Video recording
6. Sound recording

7. Making record of interviews
8. Making Sock Doll
9. Filling out progress reports
10. Making and inspecting webpage

65% Filling out progress reports
↑Filling out progress reports
Instructors 1. Directing the plan of project
2. Convening meetings
3. Assignment
4. Advising and inspecting webpage
5. Advising the information tools and technologies
6. Transportation for interviews
25% 老師召開小組會議
↑Convening meetings

1. Assisting Activity

2. Assisting the homework of children
3. Assisting in transporting the children

5% 家長協助義賣
↑Assisting Activity
Members of the community 1. Activity arrangements and venue decoration
2. Provide advice
5% 感謝文利組長、沛穗老師、張筱苓治療師
↑The helpful from the Director Wen-li Huang and Ms. Pei-suei Huang of at National Hemei Experimental School, and Dr. Chang of Le-shuo Speech-Language Therapy Center
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