

Yang, Huei-chun & Huang, Zhi-kuan. Wow! Sock Dolls. Taipei: Elegantbooks, 2007.

Yang, Huei-chun & Huang, Zhi-kuan. Cute! Sock Dolls. Taipei: The Educator, 2008.

Yang, Huei-chun & Huang, Zhi-kuan. Teddy Sock Dolls Anyone Can make. Taipei: Min Shen, 2011.

Yang, Huei-chun & Huang, Zhi-kuan. Sew-Free Sock Dolls. Taipei: Min Shen, 2012.


Yang, Huei-chun & Huang, Zhi-kuan. "Cute! Sock Dolls ::PIXNET::." [Online]

Huang, Zhi-kuan. "I love Sock Doll. ~Doremi" [Online]!_beGABuWHwVwJIOHKy7mRXOFjQ--/


Marcoski. "Flying away." [Online]

CreativeCommons: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States


◎Explanation on quotations

Text: All textual content on our website have been composed and typed ourselves. Interviewees have also been notified beforehand that the content of interview would be posted onto our website after arrangement, and that all the draft of all content to be posted on our website will be presented to the interviewees so that the texual content does not deviate from the original intent of the interviewees.


Photos: All event photos used in our website are taken ourselves, the members of the Sock Doll Expedition. Works or daily photos of the two instructors are provided by the instructors themselves, who have also authorized and consented to our using them.


Music: The music we have used as background music for our website is authorized by the Creative Commons and in accordance with the method of authorization approved of by original content creator.






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