

The Origin 
The Types 
The Clan 


Tools of the Holy Palanquin

Type of Work




In the past, we used chalk lines to draw. However, due to advancement in tools we no longer use chalk lines. Nowadays, measuring tools have improved and that most people use a carpenter’s ruler for measurements.


The function of a plane is to smooth wooden surface. There were big ones and small ones. We use big ones for bigger surfaces and small ones for smaller surfaces. Nowadays we use electric planes.


In the past, it took a long time to saw something, and when the blade became dull we would have to sharpen it first then we could continue with our work. We used to saw by hand. Now we use electric saws. No matter the size and the angle we can easily accomplish the task. It’s very convenient.


When a craftsman need to make a mortise or a hole, a chisel is required. The greatest difference between a chisel and a carving knife is that it’s bigger in size and the angle of its blade is wider. Also when using a chisel you would also need a hammer to hammer it down.


When in need of making small holes we would use a drill. In the olden days we would use manual drills. Since, everything is done mechanically, they’re hard to find now. There are the stationary hole-drill machines and the commonly seen electric drills.


Used when carving patterns. The blade of a carving knife is thin and sharp. It’s easy to handle and quite versatile. One can choose different types of blade angles, such as the curved, the bent, and the straight.