For the past few years, conservation groups have been promoting Eco-label food by starting from the consumers; by buying seafood that comply with the “Seafood Guide”, eating the right fish, eating only seafood that comply with the criteria of “green seafood”, and reinforcing marine conservation awareness. Consumer’s choices of fish affect marine life, because of the seafood we buy only a small portion of it complies with the concept of sustainable marine resources. Things should change. Consumers beware. After all, no buying and selling equals no killing.
“Taiwan Seafood Guide” (In reference to “Taiwan Seafood Guide”, Fish Ecology and Evolution Research Center, December 2011)
During the holidays we went to the fish market with our families, and interviewed the people there with the following questions:
1. For the past few years is there a significant change in the supply of fishes?
2. For the past few years is there a change in the size of the fishes supplied?
3. For the past few years what type of fish were fished?
4. Do you (fishmongers) follow the Seafood Guide when giving your consumers suggestion on the type of fish to buy?
5. What type of fish would you suggest your consumers buy?
6. What type of fishes do most customers buy?
7. Do your customers buy according to the suggestions of the Seafood Guide?
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