Military dependents' village is a model of integration. Due to the veterans in military dependents’ village are from different provinces of mainland China, they need to adapt to others including lifestyle, diet, accent and customs. Also, their wives may be Hakka or Taiwanese. Adapting each other is even harder.

Economics is another problem for them. They need to control their spends strictly because the salary of solider is meager. Housewives did their best to save money, and they also tried to increase the income. They did handwork to earn more money. Although most of them needed to do housework for a long time, they never complained.

Children in the villages are sensible. Although their family is not rich, they made toys with readily available materials themselves. In order to alleviate poverty, some of the children studied hard to enter better universities, and others went to military academy because they not only didn’t need to pay tuition but also can get salary.

At that era, family values, thrifty and hardworking spirit existed in every family in villages. Although they were not rich, they were very contented.