With the policy of demolishing villages, the relics of military dependents' villages are gradually disappeared, and the spirits, good traditions of villages are also gradually being forgotten.

In order to preserve the military dependents culture, there are two parts. One is the preservation of military dependents cultural relics and constructions, and another is the record of the military dependents stories. In Gueishan township, there are many cultural relics in the museum, and “Shian Guang 2nd Village” is the protection construction. However, we can do more. We have a DREAM to keep all things of Military dependents’ villages.

For the “Shian Guang 2nd Village”, we need to clean the environment at first. After that, we need to maintain and repair the buildings. It is good to maintain the original decor. Second, the village is famous by a telenovela. We can layout the scenes of the drama. It will attract more fans. Besides, we can organize many activities about the culture of military dependents' villages. It will let people learn about the culture from the activities.

For the work of keeping cultural relics of military dependents' villages, we need to collect more things and keep more old pictures. Now, there are many cultural relics in the museum. However, we need to use modern technology to promote military dependents relics. We can use “QR Code” technology. When the visitors scan the “QR Code” on the tag of the relics, it will show the story or introduction of the relics. Also, navigation equipments are needed in the museum.

The most important work is to keep the memories of military dependents' villages. As the time went by, more and more residents in the villages pass away. We need to go hurry to keep the stories and memories of them.