Animation 101The Wind Damper Swayed2006 Taipei 101 Firework Display Live Show Taipei 101 Trivia
Most 3rd or 4th graders do not yet possess the ability to design an entire website on a specialized subject. However, Xuan-Wei, Xuan-Chung and Yi-En have been learning FLASH design from Instructor, Mr. Hench Liang. Thus, this Taipei 101 research project provides an opportunity for kids to show off their skills. It allows students to play around with Taipei 101 with animation and unleashes all the fun from this research project.

Guess how fast a colorful balloon travels to the top of Taipei 101
Balloon Guessing Game
Explore Taipei 101
Mix and Match
Taipei101 Jigsaw Puzzle
Skyscraper Contest
Taipei101 Slide Show