Nutrient Content

Introduction MesonaErshui Mesona ProductionVisiting Mesona FactoryErshui Farmers' Association


The origin of name 
Nutrient Content 
Planting season 



Nutrient Content of Mesona

According to the China Times Weekly referred to dietitian Mr. Yen-fu Chen: “Mesona is a wild herb, and contains reducing anger and antipyretic effects. In the analysis from nutrition’s angle, it especially contains polysaccharide colloid that is a dietary fiber. Mesona’s stem and leaf contain stickiness because of this. The colloid is similar to hyaluronic acid, and helps skincare. Mesona contains very low calories, so boiled Mesona tea and Mesona jelly delays the rise in blood sugar rate, and is a good snack choice of diabetes.

It was recorded in “Chinese Medicine Science Code” that Mesona contains cool, antipyretic, and reduce anger effects, and high colloid, so it is an important plant resource for both medicine and food. Due to the cooling nutrition of colloid and dietary fiber, people usually add Mesona into their dishes to increase the taste such as Mesona chicken soup and Mesona pork rib stew.

Special NutritionReminder

Even though Mesona contains low calories and the advantages of reducinganger and stabilizing blood sugar, too much of ingredients or sugar added for the taste could impact stable blood sugar. Also, hot Mesona with cornstarch contains high calories, so eating amount should be limited. It is suggested by dietitians that diabetes should not eat hot Mesona, since cornstarch and potato starch are added, and are not good for blood sugar control. Normal people could take too much calories if they eat too much hot Mesona.

Besides additives problem, Mesona contains cold property from traditional Chinese medicine perspective, so people with deficient physique who usually have cold hands and feet, and easy to get diarrhea should eat less Mesona usually. Also, one thing that people get confused is that hot Mesona does not change the cold property of Mesona, so people with deficient physique should still especially care for eating hot Mesona.


 China Times Weekly