- Pottery New Star
- Pottery Apprentice
- Pottery Pioneer
- Practitioner

- Pioneer's Reflects
- Feedback

In order to make all teachers and students to participate in International CyberFair activities, we invited Mr. Zhang, Mrs. Wang, Mr. Chen and Mrs. Chen four teachers teaching tea ceremony, and hand-making pottery courses. Students are involved in each course such as tea seat arrangement , training presentation skills, understanding ceramic tea and kneaded pottery ceramic tea set, and held exhibitions, competitions, charity events.

In particular, teacher led students sacrifice their works to Great Shen Nong (pottery inventor) in Cisheng Gong near the school , so that it strengthen the arts perception and local identity of teachers and students.

Pottery Pleasure

Pottery Exhibitions

Fragrant of Tea

Charity Sale

Tea Competition

Sacrifice Pottery

Life in Pottery

2016 Li-Nong Elementary School , Taipei , Taiwan - Pottery Pioneer