History >Future Vision

Future Vision

        • It’s very difficult to maintain traditional culture. Many Taiwanese traditional cultures have been gradually forgotten. The main reason is that most young people today are not willing to learn such time-consuming and labor-intensive jobs. If we don’t protect our valuable traditional cultures now, we might only see Shenjiang statues in museums in the future. What can we do to pass our Luzhou Shenjiang culture to the next generation? The Cyberfair project team and instructors have brainstormed together and come out with some thoughts:
          1. Innovate Cultural and Creative Industries:
          In order to approach young people, attract their attention and feedback, we can design Shenjiang key-chains, mugs and mobile-phone pendants to market our Luzhou traditional culture.
          2. Preserve Traditional Culture: We can build a heritage hall to properly preserve Shenjiang cultural relics for public. We can also work with elementary schools and junior high schools in the Luzhou area to promote Luzhou Shenjiang culture and to help more students learn the Shenjiang culture.
          3. Hold Various Activities: Just like the Luzhou Soup Noodle Carnival, we can hold a Shenjiang Carnival too. We can host various activities in the carnival, and through the activities, kids and adults can have fun while learning the unique culture of their hometown.
          4. Merge With School Education: The Luzhou Shenjiang Association can constantly conduct on-campus activities to work with schools. Schools provide free sites, and the Shenjiang Association provides free Shenjiang statues to put in the school. Students will be able to operate Shenjiang statues in person, so they will be more interested in getting to know about Shenjiang culture.
          5. Marketing and Promotional Strategies: We can work with local TV stations and newspapers, and invite them to shoot and broadcast our activities. This will attract more people from New Taipei City to learn about Luzhou Shenjiang culture. Also, people from around the entire country can learn that there is such a special cultural property in a place called Luzhou.
        • Memorial T-Shirt

          Memorial Badge



        • Perspectives:
          • Shun-wei Huang: We could promote the Shenjiang culture in many ways. We could work with various related organizations, utilize textbook covers to promote Shenjiang, and explain the historical culture of Shenjiang in local communities. We can promote Shenjiang at school in morning announcements, classes, and instructor meetings to explain “Shenjiang”. The Shenjiang helps Taiwan culture a lot; it does not only enrich our resources, but also helps people discover the historical cultural background behind “Shenjiang”.
          Po-hung Wang: To help promote or carry on Shenjiang culture, we can write articles for the art and culture textbooks or hold exhibitions in museums for Lujiang Elementary School. For example, we can participate in exhibitions held by Taiwan Shilin Science Education Center, establish a museum called Taiwan Shenjiang Art Museum, or create a Shenjiang game for the public so that they can learn about Shenjiang through the game. We can help the Taiwanese understand the meaning and culture of the Shenjiang statues.
          Ming-hsien Hsu: We can use living items to promote Shenjiang culture. For example, we can use advertising boards and internet advertisements to promote it. We can also hold more Shenjiang-related activities, such as carnivals and a Shenjiang theme park, and apply to governmental places to hold various activities. Attracting people to Shenjiang activities will bring their attention back to this culture. Maybe this is how we can make people care about Shenjiang culture again.
          Yuan-ting Tseng: Shenjiang culture is not known by everyone and is not getting enough attention either. I think we should put this culture in a place that young people will notice. For example, we can make some dolls and key chains to attract them to come to know more about Shenjiang statues. Through this, the culture will be carried on.
          Kuan-ting Ho: If only old people know the Shenjiang culture and young people don’t know anything about it, then it will be a big pity. We need to introduce this culture to young people. However, young people today are not willing to come and learn Shenjiang culture; if this is so, in the future, they will only be able to see Shenjiang statues in museums (how sad!). I hope we can show the multiple faces of Shenjiang statues in multiple ways, and attract young people to attempt to engage with Shenjiang culture.
          Pin-yu Wu: For the future development of Shenjiang culture, I think it’s a good idea to mix the spirit of Shenjiang culture into our daily life, but we need to think about how to do this. I think the best way is to first let people clearly understand Shenjiang history, and then create some creative cultural products to attract everyone.

          Memorial Mug

          Memorial Key Chain

          Memorial Bag

          Memorial Cap

          Source of the materials:Pictures were designed by our team menbers