Location ─ Bibliography


All the adopted pictures and words are marked with the source at the bottom of each webpage.  The other references are as the followings.


Fan, Yu-Jay and others. Tour guide book on Changhua County-Designated Heritages: Changhua Roundhouse. Changhua: Changhua County Government, 2011.

Hsu, Yu-Chien Architect Associate. Survey and restoration plan for Changhua Roundhouse, the County Designate. Changhua: Changhua County Government, 2004.

Hsu, Yu-Chien Architect Associate. The plans to reuse Changhua Roundhouse, the County-Designated Heritage. Changhua: Changhua County Government, 2004.

Hsu, Yu-Chien Architect Associate. The project report for the restoration of Changhua Roundhouse, County-Designated Heritage. Changhua: ChangHua County Cultural Affairs Bureau, 2007.


Encino (2003). “Locomotive Model E100.”
[Online] http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:E100-locomotive.jpg

lapinot1 (2008). “Taiwan Railway Administration Steam locomotive CK124 at Pingsi Line.
[Online] http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:TRA_CK124_SL_01.jpg?uselang=zh

Liu, Ming-Yen (2013). “Changhua railway elevation project affects the roundhouse.”
[Online] http://udn.com/NEWS/DOMESTIC/DOM4/7663925.shtml#ixzz2KPIlnPOf

Seirayc (2007). “Model DT668 stored in Changhua Roundhouse.”
[Online]  http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:DT668_changhua_rountable2.JPG

Su, Jou-Shu (2013). “ The crisis of Changhua Rounghouse. ”
[Online] http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/professor-su/article?mid=5695

Wikipedia (2013). “Coast railway line (Taiwan Railways Administration).”
[Online] http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B5%B7%E5%B2%B8%E7%B7%9A_%28%E5%8F%B0%E9%90%B5%29

Google Map(2013). “From National Freeway No.1 to CRH ”
[Online] http://goo.gl/maps/FH7rL


Chen, Sen-Chi. Personal interview. December 2, 2012.

Lai, Fu-Chin. Personal interview. August 14, 2012. September 12, 2012.

Ma, Chung-Hong. Personal interview. August 27, 2012.

Wong, Chin-Chu. Personal interview. August 22, 2012.

Yang, Chau-Ting. Personal interview. August 27, 2012.

The telegram of authorization from Taiwan Railway Administration

Source: Changhua Cool-Bow

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