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Words from Cool-Bow

On school day, I was really absent-minded at the fun game. After the sport competition, I hurried to student sports center to be the keeper and I was almost late for it. When the game kept for a while, more students came to join the game, which made me hurry-scurry. It went well after I divided participants into two teams to compete. At the lottery time, I then saw my classmates coming into the sports center but the activity was about to the end. It was a pity for them. In the time of drawing lottery, I saw the happy faces on the winners and I was really glad that the activity was well-done.

We were going to hold Challenge Games at student sports center. We first organized the items we had prepared a day before and then the activity started. Cheng-Yo and I took charge of the narration and during the narration, every participant concentrated on the information we provided. I guessed they might have a better understanding of CRH today which made me highly-achieved. At the lottery time, all the participants gave us a big hand to appreciate us. It was really a successful activity.

Today was the day for narration from Cool-Bow and Challenge Games. After the sport competition, Hsuan-Neng and I rushed into student sports center immediately because we both were the narrators. There were crowded students there but everyone kept order instead and paid attention to what I said. I thought everyone was worthy to win his/her own lottery for his/her earnest participation. Without them, the activity would not be so successful.

It was School Day today and we, Changhua Cool-Bow, held Challenge Games at student sports center. I was the keeper of jigsaw puzzles today and I would mess the puzzles to confuse the participants and sometimes I would give them a hand. In the end, we earned a lot of applauses and this activity was really unforgettable.

Source: Changhua Cool-Bow

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