Driving & Taxi:
Sun Yat Sen Freeway (National Freeway No.1) exports of Taoyuan Interchange (49 Km) to Taoyaun direction => dirve through the bridge to Chun-rih Road => turn left to Cheng-gong Road => passing Cheng-gong bridge to Chang-Shou Road => turn right at first red-green-light and turn left => stop near Lu Guang 3rd village => arrive.
Longitude: 121.342116
Latitude: 25.000119
(You can scan the QR code to save the image and then you can show to the taxi driver.)

Public Transportation:
You can take the bus from Taoyuan International Airport (Terminal 1 and Terminal 2).
Please take "Taoyaun Bus No. 5059" (Termianl One: south west side of arrival hall ; Terminal Two: north east side of arrival Hall) to Taoyuan Train Station. The price is NTD. 42.
After arriving at Taoyuan Train Station, transfer to "Taoyuan Bus No. 5063" to "Lu Guang 3rd Village". The price is NTD. 26.
(You can scan the QR code to save the image and then you can show to the bus driver.)