Cat Lovers in Taipei ﹥ Cat Classroom ﹥ Phases of a Kitten

Phases of a Kitten | Cat to Human Age Conversion Table | FAQ
Phases of a Kitten
~Two Weeks,Newborn Phase
1.Its eyes open until it is about 2 weeks.
2.It starts to look for the source of sound.
3.It starts to compete for class and territory.
4.If the kitten is separated from its mother at this phase, it will has leaning difficulty and offensive to human being and other animals.
Two Weeks~Seven Weeks,Socialization Phase
1.At about three weeks, it develops good sense of smell, and its eyesight is sufficient for it to find the mother. 2.At about four weeks, both the kitten’s senses of smell and hearing become mature.  It starts to grow teeth, walk quite steady, and interact with sibling.
3. At about five weeks, the kitten’s sense of vision is well developed. It can adjust its motions, it can run and move its feet to the right spot exactly.  It can also avoid obstacles, move softly and quietly to approach the target and get it.  It can use its eyes to capture the “prey”.
4. At around 6 or 7 weeks, the kitten develops a sleeping model, moving techniques and social interaction of adult cats
5. The kitten starts to lick fur for itself and the others. 7 Weeks~14 Weeks,Playing Phase
1.Games for social interaction and toys can improve its body coordination and social skills.
2.Social games: turning over the belly, hugging, ambushing, and licking.
3.Toy games: getting and catching, throwing, patting, biting and holding tightly.
4.Social and toy games: chasing the tail, throwing a fist and flapping, jumping and dancing.
5.The kittens learn things through observation, mostly from their mothers.

3~6 months Class Establishment Phase
1. The kitten is most influenced by sibling, or the other animals playing around.
2. The kitten starts to understand what social class means: dominating or obeying. It knows how to make use of its status among cats or even humans.
6 Months~8 Months Puberty Phase
1. The kitten starts to explore the possibility of dominating others, including humans.
2. Sexual maturity is reached.  If the kitten does not take ligature, it will start to mate.