References 參考資料


1.Women at the Top

Translators : Miao- Ching, Chang; Tai -An, Ho/publisher: Joint Publishing (Hong Kong) Company

2.LimitedWoman the world: the contemporary world 39outstanding women
Author: Huan-Min, Yu/publisher:Hunan University Press

3.Outstanding female scholars to the letter of the young students
Author: Yuan-Tseh Lee ,Hsin-huang, Hsiao/publisher:Bookzone

4.Brave, go its own way

Author: Jin- cotton Xiao /publisher:CommonWealth Magazine

5.Gender not set limits to career

Author: Ching-ji Wu/publisher:Ministry of Education



Outstanding women

Brief description of many outstanding women


To break the shackles of the traditional female morality

Central Radio - Outstanding Women series of interviews

Visit to Zheng, Ji

Writers of Taiwanese literature series

Presentation and access of the well-known Taiwanese writer

Ten of affect the world's outstanding women

Ten of affect the world's outstanding women

20 Outstanding Women Cotton Tree Award by the Hong Kong Women Development Association

Twenty of outstanding women

Nobel peace prize to three outstanding women in 2011.

 Nobel peace prize to three outstanding women in 2011.

Success factors of outstanding women

Description Outstanding Women summarized the success factors

Sports Hotline 

Flying Antelope~ Zheng, Ji

Life experiences to share five outstanding women

Five of outstanding female life experience sharing

Flow for Love~ in Taiwan women file a century special exhibition

Hundred women in Taiwan

Woman scientist to subvert women bad at math

Fourth Taiwan Outstanding Woman Scientist Award

Over the 2000 Series of the Century Women-Taiwanese women

Background of growth and success factors of outstanding women

[Fifth Distinguished Alumni such as Dr. Severinghaus, Lucia Liu

 Introduction of Dr. Severinghaus, Lucia Liu