
Description of "Our Community" 

Our school is located in Chungcheng District, Taipei Bo-ai District, close to the presidential palace and official residence. It is the only elementary school of the ancient Taipei City, and is also a university affiliated experimental elementary school responsible for the mission of nurturing and educating the national seedlings. Our community environment characteristics are:
(1) Special geographical environment: Located in the political, economic, cultural and educational hub. Convenient traffic, human and cultural characteristics, characteristic streets surrounding the area, the special environment became the source of teacher’s teaching materials which is conducive to the development of specialized courses.

(2) Abundant community resources: School education is incorporated into a community rich in resources and planned for special courses.  Not only in order to be active, but closely linked to the community, embracing the community, but also develops the community and is the cultural inheritor.


Summary of Our Project 

We hope that through the story of several distinguished women, we can provide a break for students to only interpret the world and history of Taiwan from only the male point of view, and to understand the difference between the two sexes from the perspective of development of women's lives. This research project is mainly to learn the unique culture of the genders, in order to foster the concept of gender equality and establish the spirit of caring for life.

Through collecting literary contribution we explore the role played by women in different times, recognize the different gender roles, and summarized the reasons for the success of these outstanding women. We then interview with today's outstanding female in different fields and the reason and successful process of how they broke through gender restrictions. During the course we came to understand career planning can breakthrough limitations.

The opportunity to be able to interview successful and outstanding women is very rare, and the interview opportunity is even more unpredictable.  However, through constant correspondence and phone contacts, we did it!  Participating in this event allowed us to really understand the different roles of women in different times, and better understand their life experiences and recognize the different gender roles.  More importantly, we got to know the successful experience and reasons of how women successfully broke through gender limitations, and learned how our own career planning can breakthrough gender restrictions.

Our Project Sound Bite 

After read past article on female perception I discovered the traditional treatment of man and women in the past.  But during our search for information we discovered that women really have extraordinary potential, and can have outstanding performance in different areas.  This made us feel deeply lucky of the present! In this present era of equality between men and women, gender stereotypes have gradually declined.  After finishing this topic I understood better the treatment of traditional women and their twisting fate, and of how lucky I am.

In the process we interviewed Lucia, Liu Severinghaus, Chi Cheng, and Wen-ya Kuei.  We learned a lot in the process of the interview.  We found that they are active in different fields, but they still have much in common.  That is, their biggest success factor is interest, and their careers were chosen according to their own interests.  They did not care if their gender was limited, and overcame all difficulties by relying on an enthusiastic and serious attitude.  They used optimism and courage to face everything.  We feel that all women choosing a career should have this attitude.

These three outstanding women all emit an air of confidence, making people feel that they should use a more cautious mood to converse with them.  They were all modest in the face of their success, which is an attitude worthy of admiration. We also discovered from stories of women’s struggle that the beauty of women’s strength and unyielding pursuit of a dream requires courage. Once you start on something, you must adhere to the end and do not give up.  Only then will you have the chance to succeed.