Project Narrative

Explanation of Contributors to the Specialized Research Plan

Participants Work done Position %
Liu, Nian Ting
Chen, Yan Ru
Zhang, Heng Yao
Sun, Wei Ting
Ni, Wei Cheng
Lan, Ting Yu
Zhang, Yun Huai
Chen, Ying Xuan
Visit with respective personnel
Photography and Recording
Schedule Visits
Write down content of interviews
Write feelings about interviews
Fill out progression reports
Collect, organize and discuss information
Create personal web page
Students 45%
Teacher Yao, Zhang
Teacher He, Xin Ying
Hold group meetings
Edit the specialized research report
Specialized web page production
Make outside visits and Technical supervision
Supervising Teachers 25%
Principle Bai, Li Mei
Administrator LÜ, Feng Ying
Supervisor Wang, Pei Ru
Provide information about the International Web Expo School Faculty 10%
Mr. Huang, Wen Qin
Mrs. Huang, Li Zhao
Mr. Chen, Jin Cheng
Mrs. Jin Zi
Accept interview
Provide Related Reference Data
Academic Professionals 10%
Mr. Chen, Xin Ming
Mrs. Xie, Shu Fen
Assisted with the Appointment Arrangements
Provided Web page support
Assisted in the compiling of information
Parental Help 10%