網頁導覽 認識狗狗 流浪狗成因 八里校犬隊 人物專訪 研究方法



Our Team  

Our team is called "Baby Dog Chia Fu." The topic  of our research is "Bali Chien Chuan Juan."

The main idea is we want to let students know how the stray dogs distribute in Bali Area, to interview office employees and community people, to propagandize, and  solicit for funds by students' own. We expect that we can awake people to protect animals in order to decrease the amount of stray dogs and help more pitiful animals.

Interview with the Principe

Description of our community  

里(Bali),隔著淡水河與淡水遙遙相望,素有「左岸」之稱,本地坐擁觀音山麓,面臨淡水河畔。右有八里左岸, 左為台北商港 。藉由自行車道連結渡船頭環教中心污水處理廠十三行博物館等;左為廖添丁廟八仙樂園、以及正在興建中的台北商港。原本對外交通只有一條通往關渡大橋與林口之道路,然而於民國98年八里至五股快速道路開通後,從五股只達八里只需要十五分鐘。更加深了本地區的交通便利性。每逢假日本地湧入大量的人潮,進行登山騎自行車古蹟探索 、撘乘渡輪等活動。正是台北地區休閒娛樂的最佳選擇,歡迎大家有空多來參觀我們這塊寶地。

The Scenery of the Riverside in Bali Left Shore

the Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology


Because Bali has a widespread hinterland, there are many factories around Bali. The rear area is Guanyinshan, so there are many factories. And for the geological reason, Bali becomes the paradise for those pitiful stray animals. There are more and more stray dogs and cats in Bali. Moreover, the tourism industry brings new place to find food. Although Bali has its own animal protection area, only a few number of animals can be taken in. That can't solve the real core problem.

Beautiful Guanyinshan

Therefore the monographic project emphasizes that teachers lead students to visit Bali community ,and to  do field research about  the amounts of stray dogs. We expect that we can give the community more and correct knowledge in order to educate not to abandon animals. Adaption  is in place of buy, so that we can decrease the amount of stray animals. And then we can seek more welfare for animals.




The Environmental Education Center at night


So, in the beginning of introducing stray dogs


Once you know me, you won't be afraid of me!