Learning Processes
Heroes Behind the Scenes

Teacher Cheng Wen Chian

Teacher Chen Wen Chian, the manager of Fongyi Cishan Literature and History Work Studio, is good at historical spots study ardently assits us in research of the Two Cities.

(Reported by  Yi-Han)

Q: Please introduce Fongyi Cishan Literature and History Work Studio briefly.

A: I’m the manager of Fongyi Cishan Literature and History Work Studio. The studio has formed for 10 years, and we aim at sorting the related information of Fongshan. We post the research projects and journals on our own web site, named “Fongshan Online,” to be the vehicle for knowing culture of Fongshan City.

Q: What is the motivation of forming Fongyi Cishan Literature and History Work Studio?

A:To make sustainability management with antique property of Fongshan, and to share the complete information with people.

Q: When have you begun to do research about culture and historical spots of Fongshan? How?

A:It’s very tough during the process. I had been a journalist for several years before the establishment of the work studio. I have lived in Fongshan for 20years, and I found out that the devement history of Fongshan has been started when Cheng Chen Kong defeating the Dutch. Till now, Fongshan is a historical city with 100 years old. It is worthy to dig into research deeply. Furthermore, the research methods we use are not only static form like written records and photograph but also dynamic image. As a result, we diversify the information of Fongshan.

Q: What is your reflection on studying historical spots of Fongshan?

A: The more you know, the more you love. Regional cultural property must be enhanced and glorified in the future.

Q: Does the government subsidize this kind of work studio?

A: Only for holding activities. By pinch and scrape for most duration may handle expenses


Teacher Cheng is a really meritorious worker in literature and history. He has spent much money and time at all costs for the sake of his ideal and contributed to Local Study promotion. Hopefully the government subsidize more founding to help these kinds of work studio so that savants of Local Study keep on going.


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