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Little team members

Chou-chin Wang

I learnt many things in this semester, such as sharing and team-spirit. By sharing and working together, we could take up difficult tasks. The three soldiers in the Stone Soup taught the villagers the spirit of sharing, and successfully went back home. So we should learn to help each other in order to have a better society.

Yi-long Chen

   I was so glad to have the chance to interview people like a real reporter. Though I was nervous at first, but later on I was as professional as the real reporters in TV. I learnt a lot in the Cyberfair project. It was a very meaningful activity. I want to take part in the project in the future.

Wan-jun Huang

  I went to places I have never visited before, like A-fu’s Bookstore and   Chungyi  Elementary School.
I found that each school or bookstore has its features.
We visited A-fu on a Wednesday afternoon. He told about his childhood and his dream of having every child capable of reading book. I really admire his devotion.

Ying-ru Chen

By taking part in the Cyberfair project I have learnt:
1. Type faster
2. Interview people (such as Teacher Shu-ying Tsai, A-fu, .and story-telling mothers in A-fu’s Bookstore)
3.Visit places (like   Chungyi  Elementary School, A-fu’s Bookstore)
4. Many knowledge and many stories (such as two mothers in A-fu’s Bookstore and A-fu).

Yan-ling Guo

I learnt a lot in the semester, such as new Chinese characters in the classroom, how to share happiness by performing the play, and making friends.......
I would like to express my thanks to those who comforted me when I was sad, played with me when I was happy, and teach me.

Jie Lan

 I have learnt a lot in the Cyberfair project, such as how to make interviews, how to play in the drama. I took part in many activities, including interviews, play, sell books, and visit other school. It was totally out of my expectation. I found it was not easy to manage a bookstore. I have made great progress in these activities.

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