¡°Founder/ Principal Shuen-ching Chiu

It is all about gaining honor for the country, so that the world appreciates the development of Martial Arts in Taiwan.  Furthermore, I hope that the team members can enhance their human relationships through competition, as well as learning the true meaning of team spirit!

¡°Coach / Coach Jeng-luen Tang

Martial Arts is a folk art of our traditional culture. I hope that by vastly promoting it, all of us will learn a few moves, not necessarily for competition and winning awards, but for exercise and health improving.



¡°Chief Executive Officer / Mr. Hsiao

I hope that we can represent our country every year in going abroad to compete, so that we achieve recognition on behalf of the country.  If Martial Arts were to become a formal competing item in the 2008 Olympics, hopefully our team members (from HDMA) will be able to represent Taiwan.



¡°Representatives of the Martial Arts Team:

We hope that in the future, we can achieve the original goal of learning Martial Arts, which is to strengthen our bodies.  After that, we look forward to furthering our education.¡¨


Produced by  Fans'Club of Ho Dong Martial Arts.

E-Mail : tree54014@yahoo.com.tw