Coach Tang is with the national coach qualification , who is the expert in the field of martial arts. In the last two years, with his coaching, team members’ skills are improved and the martial arts team became famous in Taiwan .Coach Tang did so much and has contributed a lot for the martial arts team.

Education background:

 MA, Sport Coaching Science, Chinese Culture University.


Chief executive of Chinese Martial Arts Team, Martial Arts Association, R.O.C.

International judge of International Martial Arts Association, Asian Martial Arts Association.

International Coach of International Sunpin Boxing Alliance

National qualified coach and judge, Chinese Sports Federation, R.O.C

Level 5 teacher of International Alliance of Chinese Sports Federation.

Champions of national tournaments, regional tournaments and international championship.

Representative of East Asian Games, Asian Games, Asian Championship and International Championship.

Coach of National Yang Ming University, National Chung Hsing University, and Fu Hsing |Performing Arts Academy.

Folk meditation therapist of Chinese Sport Injury Rehabilitation.

Produced by  Fans'Club of Ho Dong Martial Arts.

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