Tofu DIY

(Photos below were taken by Audrey when she took part in the Tofu DIY)


Soybean, bittern, water, a wooden model, a Cassette furnace, a pot, a bowl, a thermometer, a piece of cotton cloth, heavy subjects


    ||-Audrey's Tofu DIY

    ||-put it in the pot and wait

    ||-be ready to put into the model

    ||-use heavy thing to press

  1. Soak soybeans for 6 to 8 hours.
  2. Grind the soybeans to make soy milk.
  3. Boil the soy milk to 95℃ (use thermometer to measure the temperature) in a pot on the Cassette furnace. Stir it occasionally to avoid charring.
  4. Add bittern into the soy milk, stir the mixture occasionally, and wait until it turns into tofu pudding.
  5. Place a piece of cotton cloth on a wooden model, and then pour the tofu pudding into the wooden model. Place the heavy subjects on the model until water is drained.
  6. Take the heavy subjects away, and now you have a bowl of tofu.
