Research Introduction

  • Background
  • What is the local specialty in Taoyuan? In Taiwan, most people will probably answer, “Daxi Dried Bean Curd.” It has become one of the top ten most popular favorite foods in Taiwan. Although Daxi Dried Bean Curd is well-known in Taiwan, people know little about it except for its flavor. Only locals have knowledge about its history and the method used to make it. Furthermore, Daxi Dried Bean Curd is not well-known all over the world. Many foreigners don’t know about it or have never had a bite of it. Therefore, we have decided to introduce it from Daxi residents' viewpoint for other non-local people to better understand it.

    (Note: The alternative term for ‘dried bean curd’ is ‘dried tofu.’)

  • Purpose
  • Our purpose is to inform people of the history, culture and production of Daxi Dried Bean Curd in addition to its flavor and taste. We also want to introduce it to foreigners. We hope that we can successfully promote Daxi Dried Bean Curd to the international market and make it well known to the world just like Pearl Milk Tea, which represents an important food feature of Taiwan.

  • Questions
    1. Processes of making Daxi Dried Bean Curd
    2. Reasons for the good reputation of Daxi Dried Bean Curd
    3. Advantages of Daxi Dried Bean Curd
    4. Activities in the Daxi Dried Tofu Festival
    5. Products promotion and international visibility increase of Daxi Dried Bean Curd
  • Value
  • We are the local ambassadors to promote Daxi Dried Bean Curd to the world by Global Schoolnet Cyberfair. We hope people all over the world will recognize Daxi Dried Bean Curd and the culture surrounding it. Moreover, foreign tourists will come here to learn that the original Daxi’s dried bean curd is very famous in Taiwan. Therefore, in addition to being well-known snacks and gifts in Taiwan, the bean curd here can also become foreign tourists’ take-home presents. As long as more people recognize and like dried bean curd, we think our research will be of value and worthy of reading.

  • Contents
    1. History
      1. Daxi
      2. Daxi Dried Bean Curd
      3. Dried Bean Curd Stores: Huang Ri-Xiang and Da Fang
      4. Dried Bean Curd Map
    2. Production
      1. Black Dried Bean Curd 
      2. Tofu DIY 
      3. Products
    3. Interviews
      1. Bean Curd Enterprise: Huang Ri-Xiang, Da Fang, Chief of Tien-Shin Village, and Chairwoman of the Daxi Cultural Association
      2. Community and Culture: Chairwoman of the Daxi Cultural Association and Chief of Tien-Shin Village
    4. Study
      1. Introduction and Analysis
      2. Marketing: Daxi Dried Tofu Festival, Production Promotion, and Government Policy 
    5. Envision
      1. Food safety 
      2. Interview of foreigners 
      3. Innovation 
    6. Feedback
      1. Work logs
      2. Afterthoughts
      3. Contributions 

||-mind map of Daxi Dried Bean Curd study drawn by one of the team members, Lily Lo