

Team Process gratitude Conclusion




Based on the envision of the antiques disappearence, we hope to report the preservation of this cultural speciality. We finished our research through the power of unity and cooperation. We used different methods include literature collection, in-depth interviews and questionnaires. We visited Zhu Fangben and we were involved in the field visit. Combined with web page production, we had a specially exploring experience. Although collecting data and making web pages in the process is very hard, the final taste of the fruit is sweet. Therefore, the results of our efforts are presented on the special page and shared with everyone.

The conclusions of this special study are compiled into the following four points:
(1) Complete the design of the theme page and the presentation of the results. The public can have a deeper understanding of the ancient art of Taiwan's Yongjing and the inheritance of the master's intentions.
(2) The research team was able to personally experience the repairing through the actual visit. We understand not only how the master repaired the bowl, but also the collection process and collection results of the love and happiness.
(3) In the face of the impact of modern society, the skill of the ceramics stapling is gradually disappearing. The master strives to pass on this skill and let the cultural specialty reappear.
(4) Deliver the virtue of " saving, and recycling using"becomes an educational theme. We hope that the spirit of cherishing will be passed down from generation to generation


After studying the old skills of Taiwan Yongjing Master's ceramics stapling, this topic puts forward the following three suggestions:
Recommendation1:  It is recommended that the school can lead students to Yongjing, conduct outdoor rural teaching visits, learn the spirit of the master, and have the feelings of loving things and regrets, so that the beautiful and special cultural resources can continue to be passed down in the next generation.
Recommendation2: It is recommended to use the network and community construction to reproduce the traditional craftsmanship of the masters, to attract more people to know or collect these porcelains that have been stapled, and to enhance the value of the art collection.
Recommendation3: It is recommended that the school provide opportunities for the master to give a speech or display. Establish the positive concept and habits of the students, and then improve the quality of culture and art.


Unity is strength. Special study on the beautiful memories of Yongjing.
This is a warm and moving moments. We are the inheritors of culture and art!


首頁 | Team | Process | gratitude | Conclusion