

Knowledge Experience Famous



Wisdom of the Ancestors

Master of the National Treasure told us a story about the hot iron. Once a foreigner came to communicate with Zhu Fangben. The foreigner told him that you couldn’t put the nails into the porcelain. Zhu Fangben said that he can. The foreigner does not believe it, so he replied that if you can, I will call you a master." As a result, Zhu Fangben asked his wife to take out the stove from the house. When the foreigner saw the ignition, he immediately realized that. He still haven’t called Master, and he quickly said “No, no,”. Then he left in a hurry. It can be seen that the foreigner did not think of this trick. It seems that our ancestors were wise and passed down the real kung fu. The iron is really hot. If it is cold, it can't be shaped. It is not sloppy.

Zhu Fangben explained the wisdom of the ancients

Identification of Ceramics and Dynasties

Zhu Fangben and his wife told us that Bowhia is actually very knowledgeable. From the sound of knocking, you can identify whether it is the dish of the Qing Dynasty.  You can see the color, take a magnifying glass to see if there are any metal particles. Besides, you can touch it with hand. By combining these results, we can know the dynasty and whether it is true or false. They said that if the knocking is not crisp.  The color of the dish is duck eggshell. And it can be seen that there are bright or dark particles in the metal. Then it can be inferred that the composition of the Qing Dynasty should be very high. If it is the glory of the Guangxu period, there are two blue circles in the common disk. The temperature of the Qing Dynasty was about 800°C. But  burning pottery is about 800°C nowadays. Burning porcelain will reach one 1000°C, so the knocking sound of porcelain is more crisp, and there are various other ways to identify the dynasty. The original collection of antiques is really not easy. Let us can not help produce admiration and curiosity.

A Bowl of the Qing Dynasty

Observe the color of the duck eggshell.

Touch to see if it is rough.

Patch Material

The knowledge of the Bowhia is rich. From the material of the nails, you can judge the rich and the poor. The common ones are iron nails and copper nails. Gold and silver are used as repair materials. In addition, there are various other ways to repair, such as cement plate, aluminum plate rivet and silver powder. Even silver is used when the piece is missing.

There are two grasshoppers made of copper.

Number of Patches

The ceramics stapling is calculated by the amount of nails. The more the number of nails, the more money the host pays to the master. It is also related to the importance of the object and the value of the object. Master Zhu Fangben told us that it usually costs 300 dollars to make up a copper nail.

It’s really hot to fight iron. The ancestors have the wisdom to repair the bowl.
Make up the nails and count the money. Make up the nail material to judge the rich and the poor


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