In-School Shuochang Performance

| Third Grade Class Zhi, Fourth Grade Class Zhi clapper talks in 2013|

The art of shuochang first appeared in Yu-Tsai’s morning assembly in 2013. Led by fast clapper talks performed by fourth grade Yu-Tsai class, the audience was mesmerized, and it left a lasting impression in the hearts of many students.

In the first semester of 2015, the art of shuochang appeared in morning assembly in a brand new fashion. Two fourth grade Yu-Tsai classes joint-performed ‘Shuochang Extravaganza,’ where students showcased what they have learned in shuochang class. Their storytelling and fast clapper talks won the hearts of everyone at school, and we laughed very hard. The art of shuochang is really good at making people laugh.

Event log:

Practice and Preparation

In order to add more spice into the performance, Ms. Li gave the fourth graders special trainings. After every shuochang class, Ms. Li would set aside some time for the class to practice, and she would also correct them on their mistakes. She paid special attention to changes in intonation, different facial expressions for different performances, and exaggeration on body movements. After each training, the fourth graders got more confident about their performance.


This performance was performed by two classes, so both homeroom teachers set aside time for both classes to practice together. In November, they often practiced on the playground, and Ms. Li would also be there to fine-tune their performances.


It was finally time for the final performance. Everyone from both fourth grade Yu-Tsai classes got really into the performance. They prepared three shows, ‘Storytelling – Grasshopper and Cricket,’ ‘Storytelling – Alcohol Fanatic,’ and ‘Fast Clapper Talks – Liu Lao Liu.’ The audience enjoyed their shows tremendously, and their storytelling made the entire school laugh. Ms. Li’s special training finally paid off. In the end, their fast clapper talks was the highlight of their performance due to its sheer size and momentum. The whole school was stunned by their fast clapper talks, and they must have felt pretty good about themselves on stage.

Text: the Original Artsy Shuo-Chang Posse │ Pictures: the Original Artsy Shuo-Chang Posse