Research contents


Our specialized research topic ‘stray dogs’, through interviews of local animal shelters’ professional and association of NCUE, we decided to focus on the following topics and problems:

1.        To understand stray dogs’ body language

2.        How to take care of stray dogs?

3.        Why are there stray dogs? And how do we prevent or solve them?


With the above topics and problems, we broke them down into the following:

1.        Understanding a dog

                                                  i.              A dogs’ feature.

                                                ii.              Different species of dogs.

                                               iii.              A dogs’ body language.

                                               iv.              Situations where dogs attack.

                                                v.              How to prevent an attack.

2.        Stray dogs’ research

                                                  i.              County road no.139’s stray dogs.

                                                ii.              Methods of stray dogs’ reduction.

                                               iii.              Stray dogs’ themed movie.

                                               iv.              Animal shelter’s situation.

                                                v.              Visiting the animal shelter.

3.        Research record

                                                  i.              Related events.

                                                ii.              Field study preparation.

                                               iii.              Visit review.

                                               iv.              Interview record.