Jingshan Local Resident




  • Jingshan Local Resident
  • Jingshan Laya Breakfast Shop Boss



Mr. Zhuo's mention......


Wetland has the fuction of filtering pollutants. Whan the river carries the pollutants flow through the wetland. Aquatic plants in the wetland in addition to the water  will slow down, but also the adsorption of heavy metals, so that pollutants precipitation. And by retention of nitrogen and phosphorus on plants.

Prevention of water eutrophication.

And these plants provide nutrition to fish. Shrimp, shellfish, etc.


Interview harvest:


With Mr. Zhuo, We knew about lots of information of wetlands. Why is it called Cingshuei Wetland? Because the wetland located in Qingquan Village,and There has clear water.

Furthermore, we knew that the water of Wetland was clear enough for clams to make living. The farmers cooperated with the local agency and accepted to stop using agricultural chemical.

After the interview, we got to the wetland immediately. Surely there were some calms and even crabs.

The wetland has rich ecosystem so that Siberian Crane wanna inhabit here through the winter. Owing to Siberian Crane, everyone started taking respect of the wetland.

In addition, the wetland can be used for teaching. The local elementary schools set some nature courses about wetlands. Jinshan Cingshuei Wetland is a high quality place for visiting.
