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Knowledge of Coffee

Photo and Source: Coffee Museum offers coffee beans introduction and write and consolidate after take reference from network
Coffee beans is from a ripe fruit called coffee cherries. Usually inside fruits contain with two flat seeds, but still there are round seed composition called fruit beans (Pea Berry). Beans are wrapped by multilayer protective film: the sheath ( skin), pulp (pulp), endocarp (Parchment), silver skin (silver skin). Fruits, shape and color are with the size of cherries, that’s why the fruit of coffee also commonly known as: coffee cherries (Coffee Cherry)

Place of origin

Asian Cafe - Taiwan
• Kukeng Township in Yuanlin is Arabica coffee trees.
• High altitude, long incubation time, hard texture, heavy aroma, taste sweet and mellow.
• Tree trimmed to 2 meters high, production after planted for four years. During the spring and summer time, coffee tree has green shade. In the winter time, leaves provide organic fertilizer for growing coffee. They have symbiosis relationship with each other.

Asian Cafe - Indonesia
• Prominent representatives of coffee: Mandheling
• Main origin: Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi three islands.
• Robusta kind of Medellin coffee production accounted for 90% of production in Sumatra. A few Arabica species, particles are large. Thick mellow, bitter taste is partially taken as the best. A lot of people fondle admiringly.

Central American coffee - Guatemala
• Representative of Coffee: Antigua, Huehuetenango, with top fruit beans, are because of the high altitude volcanic terrain, a good place to cultivate coffee tree. • Bring charcoal flavor cocoa aroma, only slightly stronger acidity. Antigua ~ slightly acidic mello, volcanic charcoal taste characteristics.
• • Huehuetenango ~ 5 thousand feet altitude, hard texture and strong acidity with rich flavors.

African coffee - Ethiopia
• idamo_(Yirgacheffe), charming features, with jasmine and lemon scent and honey-like sweet special taste, worldwide well known.
• Beans unique aroma fragrance, taste wild, with a little wine sour.
• With Coffee history and traditional producing countries. Coffee _ the name is from Keffa, located in southwest, the original place of coffee.
• • Face to Yemen across the Red Sea, it is the first discovered the place of Arabica species.

South American Coffee - Brazil
• The world's total production accounts for 1/3
• Well-known representative of coffee: Santos (Santos)
• Coffee industry adopt pricing strategies (low-cost) from the beginning, a lot of planting, so the quality is of the average, less very excellent grade, is always mixed deployment. In Brazil Santos is more famous around many varieties of coffee. South American Coffee - Colombia
• World the third largest coffee producer
• High altitude planting, a small farming area. Beans are pale green, big type. The unique heavy taste, by wet processing method, the production of coffee quality is the best, sweet flavor, sour with sweet, bitter with average, due to the appropriate depth, commonly used in the advanced coffee deployment.

Island coffee - Jamaica
• Caribbean, planting throughout the mountains slopes to the peak 2,256m Blue Mountain, the best of coffee named ~ Blue Mountain Coffee.
• Particles is large, good quality, taste reconcile. Attached factory mark and guarantee when shipping, loaded into container like a large beer barrel. There are No.1, No.2, No.3, round beans grades. Drinking alone product. Prices are extremely due to rare production. Rare in the market, more close to the flavor of the Integrated Blue Mountains.
• Jamaica High Mountain: growth altitude is low. Quality and taste are less than the real Blue Mountains. Oceania - Hawaii
• The southwestern coast of the island_Kona produces _ Hawaiian Kona
• Only growing in Kona island. It is the only coffee production place in the United states.
• Volcanic soil along the coastline, coffee has moderately acid with a slight taste of wine aroma, rich taste and irresistible aroma.

Photo and Source: Coffee Museum offers coffee beans introduction and write and consolidate after take reference from network


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