Interview 1: a cordial meeting with the boss

What is the reason for you to be engaged with the unicycle business ?

As a matter of fact, I took a major in journalism in college. After graduation, I found being a reporter was not a line of work with good reputation, so I located a job in a steel mill. I was promoted to the higher-up position and felt highly fulfilled in there. Years passed, I thought about taking adventures in the outside world and decided to quit this well-paid job, which gave me TWD 60,000 a month. I took a job in a car assembly plant, where people asked if I wanted to do the bicycle or unicycle. I pondered a little and decided that there have been too many people working on bicycles. I chose unicycle to be my new profession, and have invested in it with all my life ever since.

What’s your future direction?

I would be working toward a more diversified direction in the future. With the retirement of the seasoned technicians in the upcoming years, our manpower would be facing a big gap. I consider combining social charity with the manufacturing and sales of unicycles in the near future.