Selfless Man is a Man of Noble Character

      It was the first time for me to meet such a selfless person as Luke. In the past, I read about people like this in the newspapers and the biographies of great people. It’s surreal to have a living selfless person walk out of a book. I really admire him for his devotion. After listening to Luke tell stories of his difficult life’s path, I was truly amazed at his steel will.
    Luke lives a very simple life compared to the lifestyles of his contemporaries who pursue material needs. Luke is a great role model in his influence on others. Luke is a vegetarian. He argues that most people adore their pet animals, like dogs and cats, and do not see them as a source of food. What if they developed a special bond with the pigs, sheep, and cows they raised? Would they eat them without feeling badly?
    Luke insists that My Culture Connect take no funds from businesses and the government. Sometimes he is invited to make speeches at schools. The fees he gets from doing this all go to the schools that organized the event. This is a good example of his altruistic philosophy. Luke does not seek fame or fortune. His idea of living a simple life and helping others, without asking anything in return, shows us a person of noble character.

Ms. Yu-ju Wang

    Most people avoid hardships. Luke faces them readily. Most people enjoy the resources that come their way. Not Luke, he gives them to people who need them more than he. He reminds me of these words from Mencius: Before God entrusts a man with a ponderous task, he will distress his mind, tire his limbs, famish his body, deprive him of his possessions, and frustrate his endeavors, so as to strengthen his resolve, fortify his mettle, and enhance his powers. I sometimes think Luke is a person sent to us from above. He devotes himself to English education in rural areas and he shows us an example of one leading a meaningful life. Luke is a great role model for all of us.

One Man’s Dream: Luke Lin