Learning:Participator’s Gratitude
Participator Pinhong, Guo
  When my teacher asked me to participate in Cyberfair, I was surprised. It’s a great honor to take part in an international competition. I told mom the good news excitedly. Mom asked me to do my best. We cut bamboos, weaved, shaped and sewed. I was responsible for video shooting. Mr. Chen Jianbin taught me many skills about shooting, such as lighting and capture. Don’t shoot the film without pause. It will be easier to edit it. It’s really tough but I have learned a lot. I want to participate in such kind of game next time.
Participator Chengen, Wu
  I was excited to join in from the very beginning and felt relaxed at the end. I had mixed feeling for this project. I was proud when I was asked to take part in this game. Along with excitement, I was a little bit afraid that I may mess up the project. We had a big trouble in weaving bamboo strips. The teacher helped us to finish the shaping. We experienced the innumerable hardships to lay the paper mash. I have learned to sew, measure and cut the cloth. I took my relief when the project was done. It’s really tough but I have learned a lot. I want to participate in such kind of game next time.
Participator Ziyang, Zhuang
  I didn’t know it was an international competition until I took part in it. It was a competition with cerebral and strength consumption. The making of Bu-Ma, design of web page are all complicated for me, such as filing the document, editing the web pages and so on. I wanted to give up but what the teacher said inspired my fighting will again. “He who suffers much will know much.” he said. It means the victory belongs to the most persevering. I couldn’t have finished this project without teacher’s encouragement. It’s good for me to participate in Cyberfair because I have introduced my hometown to the world, watched and learned from the others. It’s so wonderful that I rose to the challenge and conquered it.
Participator Tinghan, Yang
  I could hardly wait to make Bu-Ma right after I was asked to take part in Cyberfair. It was fun to cut bamboos the first day. “Will it be fun everyday?” I was exhausted form day to day and I wanted to give up. The sense of honor and achievement encouraged me to keep on finishing the project. I was filled with happiness, the sense of achievement and honor when I finally finished my Bu-Ma. The matter was worthy of our continued efforts. As long as I thought about Bu-Ma, I could not help from being happy.
Participator Peixian, He
  I had mixed feeling for joining in this project. I was excited to participate in Cyberfair and a little sad that I had no time to play with my classmates. While making Bu-Ma, I realized that there were a lot of difficulties to overcome and problems to solve. During the interviewing and experiencing Bu-Ma, our project met with a lot of various difficulties. I have learned a lot of things about Bu-Ma and understood the meaning of “solidarity”.
Participator Xinqiao, Ceng
  It was interesting to cut bamboos but very difficult to weave, shape and sew, such as screwing, measuring and sewing. Fortunately, we finished with the help of classmates and volunteers. During the project, I have learned a lot of skills, such as doing the page layouts, photographing. I encountered great difficulties in finishing the project. I am so happy to do the project with the help of teachers and classmates.