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The Soul Figure of Ceremonial Bank

The interview ofTeacher Zhui-Mei Wang

    For Teacher Zhui-Mei Wang, ceremonial band indicates health. The idea of ceremonial band was from the 7th principal Jiewu Zuo. He invited the head coach of Military Band taught the ceremonial performance. After finished the performance,  Principal Jiewu Zuo thought instead of throwing the school sport costume away, it would save money and pass on the culture if we carried on the performance. So, he decided to give children the right to pick the color of uniform themselves. Of course, the band had different color to pick from, such as the uniform color of the Taipei First Girls' High School and Jingmei Girls High School, blue, green, etc. However, the minority should submit to the majority. In the end, it selected the Chinese lucky red-color as the uniform color and had been worn for over 30 years since the 1st ceremonial band.

    Teacher Wang said that to live you needed to move around. She saws ceremonial band training as an exercise and brainstorm and feel those unstop talking children were cute, which is the reason why she had devoted herself to train the ceremonial girls until now. Teacher Wang believed that walking was an exercise so he wouldn't feel tired while gave the instruction to the ceremonial band. She will feel happy and rejoiced to see the behaviors of ceremonial girls are improved because of the practice the ceremonial postures. When heard Teacher Wang said, "Smart apprentices, muddle-head master," ceremonial girls were all grinning from ear to ear.  

 We should learn from the spirit of Teacher Wang, our grand-teacher in school.




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