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       Ms. Doremi is a teacher and club advisor in our school who knows how to make beautiful Sock Dolls. About four or five years ago when she held her solo exhibition of Sock Dolls, I was all but confounded by such questions as “What’s a Sock Doll?” and “Why haven’t I heard about exhibitions like this before?” Though young and ignorant at the time, I was fortunate enough to encounter for the first time Ms. Doremi, and, through her explanatory introductions, developed a fondness for these adorable little Sock Dolls.


       Last October, I chanced upon an opportunity to assist Ms. Doremi in setting up her solo exhibition. The successful execution of this exhibition, though relatively small in scale, demanded a thorough grasp of such details as the size of the exhibition site, the articles to be on display, the manner in which these articles are to be situated, the arrangement of visitors’ routes, and what not. Inattentive treatment of any of these particulars would impact the success of the exhibition, and I was impressed by the extent of care with which Ms. Doremi attended to the minutest of details.


       Only later did we learn also that Ms. Doremi is not alone in her pursuit of Sock Dolls, but is joined with Ms. Emily in a collaborative effort, and that furthermore, they contribute not only their creativity, but moreover, their love to this society, by monthly donating a portion of the royalties of their publications and what they make from selling Sock Dolls to charitable organizations. For them, making Sock Dolls is their hobby, but helping others is their dream

making Sock Dolls is their hobby, but helping others is their dream, one not only with which they shall long soar, but by which their love shall be dispersed.
↑Helping Ms. Doremi with exhibition ↑Photo with Ms. Doremi