Case Description

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        Built under the colonial rule of Japan, Minsyong Broadcast Center used to spread propaganda towards countries in South-East Asia and the coastal areas of China, aiming to pave the way for Japanese Empireˇ¦s southern expansion. Starting in 1938, the construction included signal-pumping machines, transformer station and dormitories, also with two T-shaped signal towers measuring 206 meters in height, which eventually became a distinctive landmark of Minsyong for their breathtaking appearances. At that time, the Japanese government had been allocating a large budget three years in a row for this building, primarily for military use though.
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        Coming into full operation on September 28th, 1940, Minsyong Broadcast Center, five years later, shifted gear from creating propaganda for Japan to spreading political messages towards mainland China, as Taiwan was decolonized and taken over by the government of ROC. Throughout the past 70 years, it has stood the test of 9/21 and 10/22 earthquakes, towering over Chianan Plain without any structural reinforcement. It was not until 1999 that the pubic was allowed to go inside and take a closer look at what had been veiled for years.
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        From the colonial rule of Japan to Republic of China (ROC), Minsyong Broadcast Center to Radio Taiwan International (RTI) Minsyong Branch, the building has always been playing a significant role, whether in advertising for the authorities, psychological operations, or to this day, news report, education and entertainment. The historical collection in the building witnesses the development in radio industry and technology that has taken place in Taiwan.
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