Need to have a back-up plan        Charles Chang
      At the very beginning of this research project, we discussed several topics for a long time. We had many choices, such as Din Tai Fung, Tatung, Simba Lion Company, and the Quality Tests of Wu-Chong River. At the end, Din Tai Fung was our topic. Finally, we chose “Din Tai Fung” because all of us loved to eat.
      We had done lots of things in the first semester. For example, we had an interview with the owner and the staffs, visited the kitchens, practiced an internship, and created a website. I faced many problems when I prepared the interview questions. I cannot think of any appropriate questions and was nervous during the interview. Moreover, I didn’t save the data properly, so I lost all of my works once. Unluckily, I needed to write them again. I was so sad at that moment. From the experience, I knew I always needed to have a back-up plan.