San-Hao Rice     Rice introduction     Experimental rice-eating     Interview Records

 Progress Report      Attainment report      Song Composition      Project Narrative       Source






 Attainment report

Chia-wei Hsu

Whenever we want to tell our friends about the location of Tuku Elementary School, most often we say “when you see San-Hao Rice, you’re very near.” Yes, the enormous rice storage bins of Sang How Rice sit right beside our campus, like kindly giants silently watching over the students of the school.

    Although Yeedon Enterprise neighbors our school, but due to busy trucks and bustling farmers going to and fro, we have never had the opportunity to really get to know our “good neighbor.” Therefore we took the advantage afforded by the project, called up Yeedon Enterprise, and were welcomed by Chairman Chen to stop by and pay a visit to its factories. Upon entering the factory, we could immediately see evidence of an efficient enterprise at work here, for incased within a simple building, grains of rice passed through a quality control system that is supported by both San-Hao’s uncompromising insistence on professionalism, as well as the costly precision machinery they have installed. All of this is for the benefit of consumers, for us to enjoy our daily meals in safety and pleasure, and we found the entire process extremely rewarding and eye-opening.

My thoughts are, the Cyberfair project not only encourages students to familiarize themselves with local industries, it also provides us with an opportunity to learn of the business theory of a successful enterprise, and San-Hao definitely has something of the “Taiwan Spirit” in terms of business theories!


Shu-wei Chen

If I happen to see “San-Hao Rice” packaged rice in supermarkets and wholesalers, I always feel as if I were seeing an old friend, because San-Hao comes from the place where I work—Chutang Township, and you could say that it is one of the thing Chutang Township is rightly proud of.

Chutang Township lies in close proximity to the Chuoshui River, and enjoys the rich minerals brought by the river; hence the rice produced in this region is renowned for its excellent quality. Yeedon Enterprise has turned this quality into a success brand name, furthermore employs a professional, rigorous attitude in executing quality control, precisely the kind of business theory that should by commended and taken as an example by us all.

We took the opportunity of the Cyberfair to bring our students to visit a modernized factory product line, to get to know their local traits of their hometown, and furthermore to advocate the pride of their hometown by applying their knowledge of webpage design and computer processing. It’s so great that the Cyberfair project serves so many purposes!


Shi-lun Guo

“Plain rice” used to by one of the gourmet foods coveted by many during the materially lacking periods in Taiwanese history however, after the economic situation improved, plain rice became merely an accompaniment on the dining table, and what used to be “dishes accompanying rice” turned into “rice accompanying dishes.” Although times and habits have changed so drastically, in the countryside there are still a group of people quietly working for the staple food we have been relying on for thousands of years—rice.

For our project, we interviewed the winner of the “Superior Quality Rice Brands” National Award, visited his fields, and San-Hao, the brand that marketed this top quality both domestically and abroad. During our visit, we saw how farmers and businesses alike have been advocating the richness of rice-eating culture in a meticulous, scientific manner, so that they should not only be the pride of Chutang County, but also the pride of Taiwan!