I'm Missing You
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I am Missing You

You MingWe have an exam. Our teacher took them away. Coffee and Milk are not at school. Our classroom is full of emptiness and silence, no happy sound. It’s really a strange filling. (Journal 2009.11.26

Wei XuanSo quiet this week! No Coffee and Milk, no funny. Why the 7 days pass so slowly?Journal 2009.11.26

Wen HanCoffee and Milk live with my teacher in winter vacation. We can’t see each other in this 21days long vacation .I always call the dogs from the neighborhood as Coffee or Milk. I think of them certainly very much!Journal 2010.02.08

Jia JunI miss Coffee and Milk during this winter vacation. When I came back to school for a Football practice, I saw another stray dog “Wan Wan” as if it is bigger than before. I have to treat my stuffed animals like the Coffee and Milk.(Journal 2010.02.08

Sheng WeiI have a little think of them. My teacher said “They are fine” at the return class day in the winter vacation. And I felt relieved.(Journal 2010.02.08


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