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Anniversary of our School and Community’s Athletic Meeting –

Animal Protection Propaganda Activity

Pinzhen Su December 10th 2011

This year is the 90th year sinceDaSing Elementary School was founded. The school and the community will celebrate its birthday together. On the anniversary, we will also display our theme booth – the Happiness Puppy. We will strengthen the propaganda for stray animal protection concept to the community residents: "Ligation is better than killing. Let’s reduce vagrant animals."

The “train” in the board newspaper about Happiness Puppy

The small cards about animal protection knowledge

Making the “train” for the board newspaper

Making the cards which pile up like a hill

      Putting up the board newspapers

 Volunteering mothers helping us in the propaganda

        Animal protection knowledge quiz

       Respecting life and sharing the world

     Asking for animal protection publications

Reading attentively



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