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                          Review of the seminar of the strayed dogs

Wen ShuaiI am very impressed of the activity of the strayed dogs and I  grieve with White because he had Uraemia before he died.   Hopefully, White will have a joyful and happy life in  heaven and I also hope White will not suffer from Uraemia any more in his afterlife.  If White were alive, I would look after him until I would find him a lovely master.

Yu JieWhat poor situation of the strayed dogs - that is because of their careless master throws them away.  Then they will catch some illness.  If they don’t have the uterus operation, they will give birth to a lot of dogs that will stray.  For this reason, the strayed dogs will become increase in numbers .  In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with the strayed dogs and something wrong with their careless master.

Wen HanFrom the story of the strayed dog in a primary school, what I  was deeply impressed was about the death of the strayed dog,A-Fu, he had a bad spine injury.  I am wondering what happened to the other big strayed dogs?  If you are human beings, I would like to say, “ If you are bitten, how about your feeling?” Unfortunately, dogs are not like human beings.                                                                                     

ps. Hallo! Everybody! I used to be the strayed dog, A-Fu.  Now I am in heaven and fine.  The only thing is that I wish the big strayed dog would admit his error to bite me, then he would become a good strayed dog by admitting his mistake.

Ke JieFrom my point view, the people who throw their dogs away are very awful and they should get a fine. If so, the master of the dogs will no longer throw their dogs away.

Jia JunMy favourite animal is a dog.  I will be heartbroken when I see a dog hurt or being hungry.  If the stray dogs try to walk close to human, human will hit the stray dogs away.  No doubt human understand the stray dogs’ behaviour as well as not good idea to hit them.  Why hit the stray dogs?



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