I am the teacher of this team. My name is Tien-chu Huang. I am honored to co-operate with my colleagues. We guided the students how to participate in the 2012 International Schools CyberFair together. We believe that this activity should be team-work and that the students have to learn during the whole process is the main principle. Our students created the web pages in their free time-- either after school or in the study hall. This did not affect the students' curricular learning. I believe that for the students who participated, they even learned in a more manifold way.
      In 2012, we participated in the 2012 International Schools CyberFair. We not only made good use of the festivalˇX2012 Taiwan Lantern Festiva, and our location--Lukang, but also developed the theme of the 2012 International Schools CyberFair "Dream and Unite".