/Forest protection Team/
In order to get the forest protection done, they established a team of forest protection. The working list of the team includes:
1. To record animals’ living habits surrounding the tribe by automatic camera and digital equipments.
2. To develop the conservation of endangered species program.
3. To do, maintain and improve the trails.
4. To abide all villagers by not collecting, not hunting, not logging and not fishing for five years (2005 ~ 2010).
After few years of no hunting, no logging measures, the traces of animals the gradual have appeared, the forest is vibrant again. As Icyeh Sulung head of the tribe said, to give animals and plants a break is the only way that the forest will be vital and the earth will not have a counterattack on human.

To record animals’ living habits surrounding the tribe by automatic camera and digital equipments.
(Image source: Smangus tribe)

  To abide all villagers by not collecting, not hunting, not logging and not fishing for five years (2005 ~ 2010).