/Vicious Competition/
After visitors coming, the peaceful and quiet life of Smagus started to change. Tourists inspired restaurants and B&B. To catch more business opportunities, villagers opened restaurants and B&Bs one after one.
Restaurants and B&Bs soon met the market demand. The visitors began to do comparisons on B&Bs. The business was fine during holidays, but during off-season only few could make money from the tourist drought.
To win competition and to survive, some B&Bs started to cooperate with tour agent and provided commission and rebates. Tribe people fought for their own interests, and some financially insufficient B&Bs even planned to sell land to big corporations. Tribe B&B operation was gradually stepping into chaos. The tribe almost lost the spirit of early harmonious Atayal society that shared food and enjoyed together. The spirit was declining under the shadow of quarrel and mistrust.
How did Smagus people solve the crisis brought by commercialization?