1. URL of Project Web Site: ( Best view 1024*768+ )http://library.taiwanschoolnet.org/gsh2010/gsh6079/index.htm
2. URL of Project Bibliography Page: http://library.taiwanschoolnet.org/gsh2010/gsh6079/08.htm
3. URL of Backup Web Site:
4. Date Project was Finished: 03/08/2010
5. School or Educational Institution: Tou-Cian Junior High school
6. City, State, Country: XinZhuang City, Taipei County, Taiwan
7. Names of the teachers or students that participated: 3 teachers, 5 students
8. Ages of students who worked on this project: 13-14
9. Project Contact Email: huang@ms.tcjhs.tpc.edu.tw
2010 Tou-Cian Losheng Explorer