[Touring Performance overseas][The Commentary]




Aug. 1993

First tour abroad over the Pacific Ocean to perform in Outdoor Festival of Lincoln Center, Museum of Natural History and New York Culture Center the United State.

Jul. 1994

First visit to Europe, touring performance for 2 months in 6 Folk Arts Festival at 4 Country.


Visited and performed in Canada, Seattle and Hong Kang.

Jul. 1996

Touring performance in Hungary, France and Spain for one & half months.


Asian touring for Philippine, Singapore and Hong Kang.

Aug. 1998

Touring performances: “the Ritual Ceremonies” of the Saisat and Amis Tribes in Canada and USA.

Jul. 1999

Touring performance in Europe to take part in six international folk arts festivals in Spain, France and Italy for two months.

Apr./May 2000

Performing at “2000 in Beijing” in mainland China.

May. 2001

Touring performances at New Jersey arts center, N.Y. culture center, Denver and San Diego in the United States.

Mar. 2002

The first touring performance in Japan, presented at Fukuoka and Tokyo.

Sep./Oct. 2003

Visits Berlin in Germany and Paris in France. Performed “Passing of The Year”

Oct. 2004

Overseas performances in the “World Conference of International Arts Union 2004”at Seoul, Korea.

Oct. 2005

Invited to perform “ the Time we dance”—Taiwan aboriginal ritual song & dance, in New Jersey Culture Center, Museum of Natural History and New York Culture Center in the United States.

Sep. 2008

“FASDT” touring performance in Dominica South America.